Tie It Up!

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 Where is Hizashi?

Shouta felt antsy. Impatient. Sitting on the edge of their bed, his gaze flicked to the window where the wind howled quietly with snow fluttering to attack the window in a swirl to bring more snow. God, his hands ached from the foot he shoveled today with Hizashi. He hated it. When he had been spending his nights at the dorms, he'd easily forgotten how busy his husband tended to be during the week. It had been so easy to forget when he himself was constantly busy at the dorms separating fights or figuring out room placements.

Helping students settle their differences for the sake of living peacefully in the dorms. With the war over, he had been told by Nezu that his stay in the dorms was now as optional as the students. And with more than half the students of his class having decided to stay at home, he'd been grateful to stay at home again. To spend full weeks with his husband rather than swallow that bitter pill of resentment as he packed a duffel bag to spend three nights away from one another. It was three nights. Three simple nights.

But when he'd been sleeping consistently next to his blonde husband for seventeen going on eighteen years? It was hard to sleep on his own. It was hard to lay down and not have someone warm to hold onto. When he'd been spending the nights away, he'd known his husband had established his own schedule. He knew that the blonde was still taking shibari lessons that took up his Tuesday nights. When he'd been spending his nights at the dorms, it had been easy to self soothe himself knowing in a day and nights time he'd be home.

But now that he was home every day of the damn weak? He was restless. Itching for his husband to come swinging through their bedroom doors with the intent on "giving him a wild night". Standing up off the edge of the bed, he found himself pacing. His stump was aching faintly as it always did with oncoming weather and an over use. It had him pacing in a tight formation before the TV as he chewed at his thumb nail. Fuck, he was doing it again. He knew he was doing it again and he felt awful that he was acting this way.

Even if the blonde couldn't see him doing this, he didn't like it. He didn't like pacing the floor waiting for his husband to show up. He knew he didn't need to be so anxious when it came to his husband. To be so worried. It's not like the blonde was the one who had lost a leg and an eye. But Hizashi was late. Hizashi was never late from his shibari lessons. He was never late even when his classes went a bit later with thier reviews. He couldn't explain this anxiety festering in his stomach as he nibbled at his thumbnail.

Not quite biting nor tearing at it but God if he didn't feel ready to rip it off. His eyes flicked to the clock resting on the bedside table with its glowing red numbers flaring at him. Half an hour. His husband was late by half an hour, and he didn't know what to do with himself because he hadn't gotten a call. A text. Nothing. Here he was pacing their floor with the muted thuds of his feet ringing out over the carpet to fill the silence of their bedroom. Several cats sprawled on the bed and over their pillows.

Waiting for him to join them in the cuddle pile he knew he'd be welcomed into, but he couldn't rest. He'd laid in bed for two hours after getting Eri down but goddammit, he couldn't sleep. Couldn't shut his eyes without feeling the blonde with him. It was hard. He wanted to blow his damn phone up demanding to know where he was, what he was doing, what was taking him so long. But he couldn't. Wouldn't. That's exactly what his mother used to do; she used to blow his phone up with those very questions.

Demanding he return home from Hizashi's back then. He didn't want to turn into his mother but goddammit where was he? He wanted to know if he was alright. If he was safe. He didn't like the idea of driving at night given how much harder it was to recognize black ice on the road. It had his heart throbbing in his chest sickeningly at the thought as he spun in his tight circle he was making in the carpet. Would it be completely irrational for him to get his coat on, his capture weapon, and go to the building?

The Darkest Fifty Shades of EraserMic  (Shades of EraserMic #3)Where stories live. Discover now