In The Trunk

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"I have an idea." Green eyes lifted from the kindle held in hands had Shouta's heart jumping in his throat. His stomach fluttering with the flash of excitement when he lazily twirled a lock of his husband's hair around his fingers as eyes glowed up at him curiously. The quiet tap of ice hitting the window was deafening in the living room. Eri's giggles and squeals as she played in the basement warmed his heart when Hizashi pressed the Kindle down against his chest.

"An idea, you say? Is it such a good idea it's turning you pink, baby?" He hated the heat pooling into his cheeks slowly but surely, turning them pink no doubt as his husband observed. Fingers came up to skim over his cheekbone when his husband smiled up at him. There was a mischievous look to his husband's smile when fingers trailed over his cheek. "I'm sure whatever idea you have cooking up in that fucking head of yours that you've got a damn good idea if it's making you blush like that!"

Trying to keep the pout of his lips was hard. He felt his lip jut out slightly despite his best intentions not to pout but it merely had his husband's smile widening. Fingers skimmed gently over his cheek when he reached upwards to catch those fingers which he then fidgeted with. Playing gently with them before they touched his cheek again as he slid his hand down to grab his wrist gently. "You really know how to derail someone's train of thought, don't you, love?"

"Am I distracting? So much so that you can't tell me your idea that's making you blush so prettily?" He pursed his lips, but the grin curled over his lips before he could stop himself when Hizashi then giggled up at him with fingers trailing over his jaw while he grinned down at his husband. It was better than pouting. Pouting would only give his husband more of a reason to tease him. It had him shifting slightly with the blonde wiggling with him. "Tell me? I wanna hear this idea of yours!"

Raising his brows at his husband, he tugged on the lock that he had wrapped around his fingers. Tugging sharply which had the blonde raising his blonde brows at him with a sparkle to green eyes that only seemed to grow. It had his cheeks aching from the force of his grin when he used the lock in his hair to brush the end of it over the bridge of his husband's nose. Over his cheek. "Well, I was looking over the list and there was one that kind of got my attention. It's, um, claustrophilia?"

"I saw that one! I think that was just another one I saw on this list online of kinks and fetishes! You wouldn't believe how many of those are floating around, baby! We've damn near done everything on the few I looked at!" His husband then giggled with eyes glowing up at him when he brushed the lock over his freckled cheek where spots of pink bloomed on them. He wanted to be snarky. To comment on that delicate pink color but he held his tongue when the blonde smiled. "What about it?"

"Do you know what claustrophilia is then?" When his husband shook his head, he hummed before clicking his tongue when fingers traced over his jaw back and forth, back and forth, in a caress that threatened to melt him through when he took a breath that trembled slightly. Unintentional. "Well, it's not so much a kink as a sexual fetish? It basically involves interest in being confined to small spaces that involve sexual arousal. So, like, small cramped spaces like suits or bathroom stalls or closets."

"So, just to name a few, would it be places like crawlspaces? Like really cramped spaces? Like a-a car trunk?" He nodded at his husband who beamed with delight then; as if he had made his day by agreeing with his suggestions. His spit-balled questions of areas involved in this type of choice. It had his heart throbbing against his chest when his husband's head tilted against his thigh. "So, what does this mean then? What do you want from it, baby? What's your idea?"

"Do you care if I'm blunt?" That sparkling glow to green eyes merely shone up at him when his husband nodded eagerly when he took a trembling breath. It was no big deal; he'd asked for weirder. His husband had asked for weirder. He licked his lips when he met that sparkling gaze of his husband's. The curiosity pinching at his face as the spots of color smothered themselves over his cheeks. Making him look warm. "I want you to fuck me in the trunk of our car."

The Darkest Fifty Shades of EraserMic  (Shades of EraserMic #3)Where stories live. Discover now