Extra So Extra!

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At the Loo Bru Nora was comforting sweetie

Nora: Just let it all out

Sweetie: and I never used that toilet again! That's my terrible secret

Nora: your secret is safe with me. feeling better?

Sweetie: yeah! Thanks Nora!

Then both Nora and sweetie sat with there friends

Babs: how come everyone on campus is so comfortable telling you there deepest darkest secrets?

Nora: i don't know i guess I'm just easy to talk to

Buster: have you ever let a secret slip?

Nora: nope I would never say anyone's secrets

Rory: that's what makes you such a good friend-

She got a message on her computer and stood up excited

Rory: I got an email from the mentorship program!!

Sweetie: your getting paired up with an acme star! Who's gonna teach you how to toon one on one!

Rory: who's knows? That toon could be my dad! Wait... I'm to scared to read it!

Babs held the computer and read it instead

Babs: 'congrats Aurora Bunny'

Plucky: hahaha! Aurora? What kind of fancy princess name is that?

Buster: Shut it plucky! Keep going babs

Babs: 'you'll find out who your mentor is on the first day'

Abbey got a hot chocolate and sat down with them

Abbey: it has to be bugs

Rory: father and daughter as well as teacher and student! I like the sound of that!

Abbey: I don't need a mentor I already have everything I need

Nora: congratulations Rory

Babs: I can see it now! Rory Bunny awarded mentorship at acme loo! This should go into the school newspaper!

Nora: uh sorry to tell you this babs but this school doesn't have a school newspaper.

Babs: What?! Why?!

Nora: I think it was shut down because of budget problems

Babs stood up and started shaking Nora

Babs: this is an emergency! The school need a paper how else can students share their success?! And more importantly paste those successes into a book with cute stickers?! I have to do something about this!

Nora: w-w-why d-d-don't y-y-you a-a-ask t-t-the b-b-b-budget o-o-office?

Babs let go of Nora and she fell on the floor completely dizzy

Babs: that's brilliant!

Sweetie: start small! I like it!


Later that day Rory made it to bugs office

Rory: I'm about to learn everything I need to know from my dad! Father daughter day? More like father daughter year!

She opened the door walked inside and bugs was waiting for her

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