Souffle Girl Hey

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Students were in the cafeteria for lunch

Nora: I wonder what chief's cooking today

Abbey: It better be good I'm starving

Rory: trust me you won't be disappointed

Lola came out of the kitchen with delicious food

Lola: Hey kids! I hope you enjoy what I made

She put each plate of food one everyone's trays

Lola: deconstructed empanadas foamed Andean potatoes and emulsified chimichurri!

Rory: Thanks Mom!

Everyone sat at a table and ate their lunch

Sweetie: She skates, she surfs, she can dunk and she's a genius chef?! Rory you're so lucky to have Lola as a mom!

Rory: Yep! My mom is a master chef and my dad is the best looney tune of all time! Not a lot to live up to at all!

Babs: Uh... Rory?

Rory: I'm fine!

Babs: Ok... anyway I still miss simple food

Buster: Yeah! Like our moms...

Buster and Babs: carrots and grits!

Buster: the butter... the carrots!

Babs: the grits

Then Lola walked up to them with more food

Lola: I had some leftover ingredients so I made this triple whipped dulce de leche with balsamic strawberries

Abbey: OMG Yes!!

Abbey ate her's super quickly while everyone else enjoyed it

Nora: I bet this is why Acme is the best school ever


Later Rory saw Babs looking at a bunch of posters

Rory: Hey Babs what are you doing?

Babs: Trying to find an after school job. There's a flood at home and I'm planning on sending the money to help my mom pay for it! The problem is Buster can't help since he's busy with homework he missed

Rory: I'll help! I don't really have anything to do anyway

Babs: Thanks Rory! So I'm looking for professional chocolate milk taster or a mystery novelist if you see those!

Rory held a poster

Rory: dirty diapers stacker?

Babs read the others on the wall

Babs: toenail collector?

Rory and Babs: Living trashcan?!

Babs: these are after school jobs?!

Rory: most of these are weird and gross even for Looney Tunes standards!

Then Lola walked by and put her own poster on the wall

Rory: whoa mom did you make that?

Lola: yeah but it's just a doodle

Babs read what it said

Babs: *gasps* assistances to chef Lola?! We can help my mom while having a nice job with free food!

Rory: while I get to spend more time with mine!

Babs: And help my mom! Did I say that already?

Lola: I'm glad you're both interested. It'll be a breeze

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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