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"Again. I'm here again." I whispered as I looked at the tall white tree at my front. I know that this is a dream; I'm actually flabbergasted that my consciousness still remains even when I'm asleep.

Every time I close my eyes and go to sleep, I always find myself standing in front of this tree, and I can't help but notice that this is no ordinary tree. I feel like it's trying to communicate with me. It's telling me something, but I do not know what.

"Athy wish mama was here."


"Will Daddy turn back to normal again if Mama's here?"

"Why? Why?!"

"What does it feel to have a complete family?"

"That wench!"

"Mommy, please help Athy fix Dad."

I felt pain in my head. "Urgh. This voice again," I said as I massaged my temple to ease the pain. Every time I'm here, it's always those words of two different people, one calling for her mother and the other calling for his lover.

'... back...'

'... you... belong...'

'Go back where you belong, Diana.'


"*coughs* What the hell was that?" my voice sound so hoarse right now.

I slowly got up from my bed and walked slowly towards the kitchen to drink some water. I need to clear my mind. As soon as I reached the kitchen, I took a small glance at the wall clock to see what time it was.

"2:30am? The dream lasted much longer than before." I said as I sipped at the bottle I got from the fridge.

"Diana... Diana... Diana... why does he keep on calling me? Or is it another person who have the same name as me?" I whispered as I walk back towards my room.


"Ah fuck! What a thunder!" I shouted as I stare at the heavy rain outside the glass window.

It's raining heavily outside. I heard there was a typhoon. Hays, I can't sleep anymore. I'll just read Who Made Me A Princess! I'm in the middle of chapter 45 when Athy is having a tea party with her friends.

"Ah... as I said, these lounge is more comfortable than my bed." I said as I lay down on the chaise lounge before picking the volume 2 manwha book of wmmap.

Minutes later...

"Woah. It's getting intense! Lucas is finally going back after he get that branch! Kyah! Will Claude finally be able to turn back to normal? I'm so excit— *yawn* Ah, I'm sleepy, I only got into chapter 54." I said as I brought the book down and settled myself comfortably in the chaise lounge.

"Let me just sleep here." yawning again, I finally decided to close my eyes.

"So shocking... You're fine just a moment ago." I said as I look at the blazing white tree in front of me.

I can feel, just by looking at it that it's sad. So sad that it cried silvver tears.

"Idiot. You should've just obediently handed it over instead of rebelling." I heard a voice from the other side of the tree said.

Since it is so big, I am obliged to walk around the tree to see who the person is talking to.

I heard a loud snapping of branches that made me run towards the opposite side of where I was standing a moment ago.

There I saw a guy who's maybe a little bit taller than me snapping the white tree's branch.

"All you've done is waste my time." he said with irritation laced on his voice.

He look at the tree branch he holds before speaking once again. "Will this much do?" he asked.

My eyes widened as I saw a familiar face of a man whom I only saw at the book I read a while ago.

Lucas. It's Lucas?! Is he inside my dream? Damn. Athy and Lucas are indeed match made in heaven. I hope my ship sail~

"Now I need to go back." before he even left the place, I hurriedly call for him.

"The prin—

"Wait! Young man!" I shouted as I hold his arm to stop him from leaving this dimension. I know this is nothing but a dream, but I have a feeling that this man, Lucas, can answer the questions that's been in my mind.

"You... who are you?" he asked as he looked at me warily. "How come you're here?"

"I... I'm Diana. I always dream about standing at the front of this tree, but this is the first time that I saw it being set ablazed by someone." I said, and I put down my hands as soon as he settled down beside me.


I nodded at his question before starting my monologue. "It started as soon as I reach my my 25th birthday. I found myself dreaming of this tree and it keeps saying something." I look at Lucas who's thinking deeply.

"Continue." he said, maybe taking interest in my story. Nah. As if he's real.

"There, are two voices that I always heard. One was a man, and the other seems to be his child. But instead of her calling for her father, she keeps calling for her mother." I whispered as I hold the tree's main body.

"And the man, keeps cursing the woman. As if he loathed her, and at the same time he longed for her." I laughed and look at Lucas.

"You know. After those voices, the tree will talk to me." Lucas eyes widened in surprise as I said those words.

"The World Tree talk?! What does it says!" Lucas said as he touched my shoulder.

"It keeps... It keeps on saying that I should go back where I belong. And it keeps calling my name." I said, stuttering due to shock when Lucas hold me.

"The World Tree calls for your name, and is telling you to go back to where you belong." Lucas' ruby red eyes stared at her rose colored ones.

"Now that I look at it. That soul, belongs to our world." Lucas said with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Hey woman." he called before gabbing my arms as he started to rip the dimensions once again.

"You're coming with me."


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