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"What a beautiful garden you have, Athy." Diana said as she looked around the rose garden.

'It feels like a never-ending spring.' she thought.

"Daddy gifted this garden to me, Miss." Athanasia said as they proceed to sit at the chair that was prepared for them.

With the help of Lucas, Diana's features was disguised so that it will be easy for them to go out and have fun.

"Even the Emperor won't notice it." he boasted out a while ago.

"Aigo. If only I'm powerful enough to change my own appearance." Diana sighed as she drink the tea that was served by her daughter.

"Do you still dream about the World Tree, Miss Nadia?" Athanasia asked with a smile.

Yeah. They decided to change Diana's name so there's no problem to stir when people hear her name. Who won't be shock if you call someone who have the same name as the Emperor's deceased lover, right?

"Seldomly, the tree always asks me if I'm adjusting well. He acts like a worried sick father." Diana giggled as she enjoy the tea that her daughter offered.

"Where's Lucas?" she added as soon as she noticed the absence of the young warlock.

"He said he's going to do something in his tower." Athy shrugged and stare at her mom.

"Miss Nadia, what's your work back on Earth?" she asked as she tilt her head.

"Me? I'm a doctor but sometimes I'm just lazying around my home and doing some painting as a hobby." Diana said and smile at her little girl.

She already accepted Athanasia as her daughter but she always deny being the Emperor's lover. Talk about relationship will all be pointless at her.

"That's already in the past." she said.

"Really? Can you paint me, Miss Nadia?" Athanasia said which made Diana stopped her movements.

A smile crept from her lips before she put down her tea cup. She stand up from her seat and bow at her daughter.

"It will be an honor to paint the most beautiful lady in the Obelian Empire, Your Highness." she said before secretly gazing at the two individuals staring at them.

'Claude and his red haired aide.' she thought.

'He's throwing swords using his eyes!' she thought as imaginary cold beads of sweat appeared on her whole being.

"Athy, they're here!" she whispered to the princess which made Athanasia look at her back.

There she saw her father and Felix walking towards them.

"Daddy! Felix! Are you two out for a walk?" Athanasia asked as she stand up and meet with them mid way.

"Who... is she?" Claude asked, still giving glares towards the disguised Diana who just bowed and greet the royal.

"Greetings to the Sun of Obelia, Emperor Claude De Alger Obelia." Diana greet and bowed, waiting for the Emperor to accept her greetings.

"Ah! Daddy, she's a friend who helped me when I run away..." Athanasia's voice seemed to get quieter as she explained Diana's (fake) background.

"I go by the name Nadia. As I am of commoner blood, I do not have a surname." still in her greeting position, Diana answered the Emperor's question.

Claude wasn't convince as he feel something out of ordinary from the brunette haired but he let her slide as he don't want to dig over something he is clearly not involve to.

Well, he is but he doesn't know that yet.

"Hmph. Enjoy your time here then." Claude said before leaving the two, not before taking one last glance to the brunette lady.

"Let's go, Felix."

As soon as the two left the premises, Diana finally sit back and let out a sigh.

"That's why he's still single, he didn't even accept my bow hmph." she rant, earning a giggle from her daughter.

'Oh I want to see how chaos will unfold if Dad came to know about you, Mom.' she thought and let a small laugh before continuing her peaceful conversation with her mother.


"Your Majesty? Is something wrong." Felix asked as he saw how the Emperor stopped midway from walking back to his chambers.

"That voice..." the Emperor whispered as he suddenly got reminded of the voice he heard when he is sleeping just a moment ago.


"Yes, Your Majesty?"

Claude look at the direction where the two ladies are having their teatime.

"Run a background check to that lady." he said before started walking again towards his chamber. He felt a little good today so he'll be doing his duties as the Emperor.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Felux said before walking on a different direction, probably going incognito to look for information.

Claude continued walking towards his chamber, but his mind is clearly somewhere else.

'That voice. Her voice is sickeningly familiar.' he thought, eyes glowing with a tint of hate and longing.




"Mom, are you sure you're not sick?" Athanasia whispered as she give her mother a handkerchief.

"I'm fine, sweetheart. I just feel like someone's talking bad about me. A bad omen." she shivered at that thought.

"Lucas, what if Claude is suspicious of me today? I mean, he will probably run a background check on me." Diana said while looking at her self proclaimed future son-in-law.

"Don't fret about it. I already made some adjustments." he smirked earning a suspicious look from Diana.

"I don't trust that some you are saying. Make me shiver for some reason."

Lucas just smiled at her and didn't answer her suspicion.

"What do you mean by that, Lucas?" Athy asked while eating the chocolate Lily gave her a while ago.

"I made a fake identity and background of your mother. I also tinkered some memories to the commoners so if someone asked about your mother, they can give some information." Lucas explained while looking outside the window.

"You're really smart my son." Diana smiled while patting the guy's head.

Lucas look at Athy with a smug look on his face, making Athy irritated for that reason, and also by the fact that her mom calls him son.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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