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[based on chapter 68]

A groan escapes from the honey-blonde-haired lady who's lying on a cold marble floor. "That guy!" she whispered as she slowly sat and roamed her eyes around the place.

The place was... gloomy. It's dark and cold. Walls decorated with paintings that seemed to be made of gold.

"Where the hell am I?" she asked, standing up and walking towards the lounge inside the said room.

There she saw a sleeping man who was shining in the dark. "Damn. Who's this good-looking fellow?" she asked, crouched in front of the blonde-haired man.

She stares at him, who looks uncomfortable in his sleep. She poked his cheeks multiple times and chuckled when she saw him grunt in his sleep, but instead of being uncomfortable, his face seemed to relax more.

"My, my, he looks like a cat lazying around, she chuckled and proceeded to pinch the man's cheeks lightly.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that." She looked up to see the same man who put her here.

"You are the one who put me here. Who is he, by the way?" she asked, continuing to poke the man's cheeks.

"That's your husband."

"... pardon?" she asked and pointed herself before pointing the sleeping man at her front.

"Me? His wife? Don't joke around with me arsonists." She waved her hand as if she were erasing some imagination in her head.

While talking, they didn't notice a certain jewel-eyed girl looking at them in confusion, especially at the lady who's currently poking his dad's cheeks while arguing with her friend.

"Lucas, does that mean... she's my mommy?" she asked out loud, making the two people who keep arguing look at her.

"Oh, she is. And at the same time, she's not." Lucas answered, proceeding to do what he needed to do.

"What do you mean by that? And she sounds like the girl I keep hearing when I was with the White Tree!" she said, abruptly standing up to walk towards the dumbfounded girl behind Lucas.

"Are you that person who keeps calling her mother?" she asked as she removed the tears that were strimming down the face of the small lady.

The young lady, on the other hand, looked at her with longing. That face, that honey blonde hair that sways with the wind, the rose-tinted eyes that shimmer like jewels, and that smile She will never forget her.

"You're Mom... You're really my Mom." she whispered as she hugged the older lady, who just hugged the young one back.

"Hush, now, dear. Don't cry; everything will be fine." She whispered sweet nothings to the girl who just cried silently.

"Why are you dying?" That question made the two ladies look at Lucas, who was staring at the sleeping man.

"Lucas, what do you mean?" Diana asked him.

:: F A S T F O R W A R D

"You mean, that lady Margarita acts like, you know, a stabilizer?" Diana asked as she sipped the tea that was offered to her by her daughter.

"Oh my, I love this tea! Is this Lippe Tea?"

A while ago, Lucas explained to Athanasia who Diana is. And it took a long time for Diana to calm her down.

And he also explains to Diana that seeing the world tree is not a dream.

"Yeah. But the more that Chimera stays beside your husband, the more likely he is to die early." Lucas said, eating the cookies that were prepared by the maids.

"He. Is. Not. My. Husband." Diana grunted as she massaged her temple. Truthfully speaking, they were not officially married even in the past, as she was just one of the concubines in the Ruby Palace.

"Yet." Lucas smirked as his eyes glowed in a blood hue once again.

"What do you think will be his reaction if he sees you walking in flesh?" Lucas asked as he let Athy braid his long hair. It's to calm her down, she said.

"You said that this isn't a book but another dimension, right?" Diana asked Lucas, who nodded in response.

"Hm... then what will happen to me in my dimension?" Diana asked again, but Lucas just smiled at her, a simple and not scary smile.

"The World Tree is the one who sent you here. That only ends in one thing: your existence will be erased in that world." Lucas said, looking at Athy, who's still busy placing flowers in his hair.

"Thank God, I thought it would be like someone owning my name." she sighed in relief.

"Nah. The World Tree likes you, too much to the point that they gave you mana to live a long, comfortable life here."

"Oh yeah! The Tree taught me how to wield magic!" she jumped and looked at Lucas.


:: O N T H E O T H E R S I D E

"Felix," a cold baritone voice said as the screeching of the quill making contact with the paper continued.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" a red-haired knight, who goes by the name Felix, asked.

"Is there someone who entered my chambers today?" he asked.

Felix, who was standing outside from the moment the lady Margarita left, was confused. "No one, not even the princess, entered your chambers, Your Majesty." he said.

Claude de Alger Obelia A man who unsurped the throne from his tyrant brother. A saint and a hero for the commoners And a fool for his daughter before he was struck with amnesia.

He still remembers what happened a while ago. He isn't that sick to not notice someone poking his cheeks while he's sleeping.

"My, my, he looks like a cat lazying around." he heard her say before pinching his cheeks.

Claude, who is supposed to feel irritated to the point that he will cut the woman's hands for touching the Emperor, feels nostalgic all of a sudden. His heart, which froze, started to beat at a rapid pace.

"Then, who is that?" he asked himself.

He sigh. He doesn't want to think more, as he already has a lot of problems that need to be solved on his plate.

"Where's Athanasia?" Claude asked Felix, who looked shocked by the sudden question.

"As you ordered, she's staying at the Emerald Palace." Felix said, clearly happy that Claude is asking about Athy.


... Should we go back to the Mother and Daughter duo?

"Lily?" Athy called for her nanny.

"Yes, Princess?" Lily asked as she walked towards where the Princess was sitting.

"Prepare for a tea party at my garden. I invited someone to share Lippe Tea with me." Athanasia said with a bright smile on her lips.

"Yes, Princess." Lily or Lillian said, not asking any question and just proceeding to order the maids to follow what the Princess has ordered.

"Mommy, they are not here anymore." Athanasia called for her mother, who's invisible, courtesy to Lucas, who's teaching the both of them magic.

"Lillian York. She's as pretty as I see in the book." Diana said, sitting beside her daughter, who hugged her arms unconciously.

"Mommy, let's have some tea in the garden!" Athanasia said, which Diana returned with a happy nod.

"Yes, let's do that, my daughter."

c x p r e s s

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