Sister Reunion

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Savannah embarked on a voyage through the world-renowned Panama Canal, a crucial waterway linking the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, to reach her destination at the Azur Lane base.

It has been a while since Savannah last trained alongside her sister ships in the Pacific.


Brooklyn (CL-40), Savannah's Older Sister was putting the final touches, Belfast inquired of Brooklyn, "Who is Savannah?" " She's one of my sister ships," Said Brooklyn. Philadelphia (CL-41), Nashville (CL-43), Phoenix (CL-46), Boise (CL-47), Honolulu (CL-48), St. Louis (CL-49), and Helena (CL-50) were excited

Belfast raised her brow, "That's surprising, Savannah is a little different than we thought she would be." "I wonder how." Nashville wondered. Phoenix said, "We're going to have a new ally." Honolulu and Helena said, "She's really nice." Boise added, "She's really sweet." "Yeah, she's like a big sister." St. Louis agreed.

As Savannah approached the Pacific Ocean, she met with her old friend and battle partners, Roe DD-418 and Texas BB-35

she was surprised that Savannah was a little different from when she last saw her.

" i see you got the Mk 12 5''/38 caliber Dual Purpose Guns," said Texas

"Yes, they were recently given to me to get rid of those 5"/ 25 calibers."

"Nice." Said Texas.

Savannah made it to the Pacific Ocean.

Savannah looked at her map and saw that she was in a good position to make her way to the Azur Lane base.

Savannah and her escorts were traveling along a stretch of the Pacific Ocean when all of a sudden, she heard a cry of distress coming from her left flank.

"What's going on?" Savannah said as she turned around and saw that her escorts were in danger.

Savannah knew that she had to help them and she also knew that it wasn't going to be an easy task, but she had to do it.

So, she quickly turned her ship around and headed towards her allies who were in trouble.

It didn't take her long before she was in her target range.

Savannah fired Super Heavy AP Shells from her Mk 16 6''/45 caliber main guns, while Texas used her 14"/45 caliber main guns.

The enemies were eliminated."Thanks, Savannah! I owe you one!"

"Don't mention it."

"So, what are you doing in these waters?"

"Oh, nothing really."

Savannah and her allies continued their journey and they eventually made it to their destination, the Azur Lane base.

After arriving at the base, Savannah docked her ship at the port and disembarked.

As she was getting off her ship, a voice was heard.

"Welcome back, Savannah." Savannah turned around and saw her oldest sister ship, Brooklyn.

"Brooklyn!" Brooklyn ran over and hugged Savannah.

"It's good to see you again." Savannah was surprised by this gesture, but she didn't mind it.

"You too, Brooklyn." Savannah hugged back.

"You look different, Savannah"


"Yeah, I like it"

Savannah was happy to hear that her older sister liked her new uniform.

"Well, it was given to me when I came back."

Brooklyn noticed Savannah's Ship had the same Secondary Mk 12 5''/38 caliber Dual-purpose Guns as St. Louis and Helena.

"Nice guns."

"Thanks, I got them recently."

"Your ship looks Smillar to our little sisters, St. Louis and Helena"

"What do you mean?"

"Your ship has the same Mk 16 6''/45 caliber Gun as us and they have the same Secondary Mk 12 5''/38 caliber Dual-purpose Guns," Brooklyn said, pointing to the gun turrets on Savannah's ship.

Savannah was surprised, "How do you know?"

"It's my job to know," Brooklyn said.

" Well, I did get some Upgrades

"Upgrades? What kind?"

" new rangefinders and radar for my main weapons and for my secondary ones."

"Nice." Savannah was impressed.

"So, where are the others?" Brooklyn asked.

"I'm not sure. They were all busy with other things, so I just came straight here."


Just then, Savannah heard a familiar voice.

"Brooklyn?" Savannah turned around and saw her other sisters, Nashville, Phoenix, and Boise.

"Hey, Savannah!" Phoenix said, waving her hand.

"Hello, Phoenix," Savannah said as she waved back.

"I see you are the same as ever," Boise said with a smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's a compliment."

"Oh, ok."

"What are you doing here?" Boise asked.

"I came to see the two of you," Savannah said, looking at the two girls.

"Well, we are honored to receive your visit," Nashville said.


they were surprised to see their sister in such a different uniform.

"You look great. I like it." Boise complimented her.

"Thanks, I like it too." Savannah smiled.

"Savannah, You have quite a reputation," Nashville said.

"Who's been talking about me?" Savannah was curious.

"Our little sisters, St. Louis and Helena."

"Oh, them." Savannah was not surprised.

"They really love you."

"Well, they're the best ship sisters anyone could have."

"Yes, they are." Nashville agreed. "Speaking of our sisters, where are they?"

"Helena is still training and St. Louis is doing another supply run."


"She's going to be really surprised when she sees you," Phoenix said, smiling.

"I bet." Savannah thought about her sister, Helena.

"I can't wait to see her," Savannah said with a grin.

"Yeah, me too." Phoenix agreed.

Just then, Nashville got a transmission.

"Oh, sorry, but I have to take this."

"Ok. Bye."

"Bye, Savannah." Phoenix and Boise said, waving goodbye.

Savannah waved back and then left to explore the base.

"Ok, who do I need to talk to?" Savannah thought.


Before this, Savannah CL-42 was heavily damaged by the Iron Blood Navy, She got improvements and Upgrades.

Azur Lane : USS Savannah CL-42Where stories live. Discover now