Meeting the Queen, part 1

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Rumors circulated the base that Queen Elizabeth was searching for information on Savannah. "I fought alongside her during Operation Avalanche," said Warspite. "Could you please repeat that?" Queen Elizabeth asked, puzzled. According to Warspite, Savannah is an ally.""Can you please bring Savannah to me?" asked Queen Elizabeth. "Of course, Your Majesty," replied Belfast with a nod.


Savannah spoke with the Commander in a friendly and approachable manner." I'm glad you are here Savannah" said the Commander "You being here might just be what we need to turn the tide against the Crimson Axis," said a hopeful tone."With my upgrades and retrofit," said Savannah confidently, "we will never lose a battle." "I'm glad to hear that," replied the Commander. Suddenly, Belfast chimed in and interrupted their conversation."Commander, do you mind if I borrow Savannah?" Belfast asked politely. "Sure, Belfast, what's the reason?" inquired the commander."I have been asked to bring Savannah to Her Majesty."The Commander responded with a neutral tone, "Alright." " Miss Savannah, please follow me," said Belfast

Belfast and Savannah headed toward the Royal Navy Dorm, "Hello Savannah," said Warspite. "It's been a long time since we last saw each other." "It has been a while since the bombing by the Germans occurred," Savannah said. Belfast looked confused and asked, "Can you please clarify what happened?" "In short," Savannah explained, "Warspite and I sustained heavy damage from flitz-x bombs." Did you work with any other Royal Navy ship?" asked Belfast. Savannah listed the Dido-class light cruisers along with Roberts, Unicorn, Illustrious, Formidable, Abercrombie, Nelson, Rodney, Valiant, Mauritius, Victorious, and King George V.

Belfast expressed her gratitude, "Thank you for your service." Savannah said, "I will do anything to protect my allies.""Speaking of allies, the ship girls you mentioned are waiting for you inside the Ballroom," said Warspite. Savannah exclaimed, "Really?" "Sure," replied Warspite. They went to the Ballroom and Savannah's allies were there.

Savannah: Hello Ladies

Illustrious: Greetings, Savannah

Savannah: How's it going?

Savannah was happy to see her friends.

Victorious: You look amazing, Savannah

Savannah: Thank you, Victorious.

Victorious: We were wondering what kind of uniform you were going to get.

Savannah: Well, I got the same.

Victorious: I see.

Savannah was in a good mood.

Abercrombie: Savannah, how are you?

Savannah: I'm fine, Abercrombie.

Abercrombie: That's great to hear.

Abercrombie: Also, I heard that you were injured in the bombing incident.

Savannah: Yes, it was not fun.

Abercrombie: I can imagine.

Savannah: So, who's here today?

Victorious: Just us.

Savannah: Oh, okay.

Savannah thought it was a small gathering.

Unicorn: By the way, Savannah, how are you and Belfast getting along?

Savannah: Great! Belfast is very kind.

Unicorn: I see.

King George V: Excuse me, Savannah, shouldn't you be meeting with Queen Elizabeth? Elizabeth has a short temper.

Savannah: oh anchors, I forgot, Belfast let's go.

Belfast: Please hurry, Miss Savannah.

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