Meeting the Queen, Part 2

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As Belfast and Savannah exited the Ballroom and reached the Throne Room.

Belfast : * bows* here is Miss Savannah, your majesty.

Savannah: : * bows*

Queen Elizabeth: good work, Belfast.

Belfast: I apologize, Warspite had a little reunion for Miss Savannah.

Queen Elizabeth: since you are acquainted with our ships, I welcome you to Azur Lane.

Savannah: Thank you, your majesty, I won't disappoint you.

Queen Elizabeth: I'm glad to hear that, Savannah.

Belfast: the Commander said with Miss Savannah, we might turn the tide against the crimson Axis, Your Majesty.

Queen Elizabeth: The Commander and I share the same opinion as you, Belfast.

Belfast: indeed, Your Majesty.

Queen Elizabeth: Savannah, How many battle stars do you have?

Savannah: three, Your majesty.

It seems that Queen Elizabeth was impressed by Savannah, which had received 3 battle stars.

Queen Elizabeth: Did you participate in any other operations besides Avalanche?

Savannah: I have been a part of Operation Torch and Husky, in addition to the one mentioned previously and I'm the flagship of Cruiser Division 8.

Queen Elizabeth: with your Leadership, nothing cannot stop us.

Savannah: Thank you, Your Majesty

Queen Elizabeth: "You're dismissed."

Upon meeting the Royal Navy, Savannah went in search of her sisters and eventually found Brooklyn.

Savannah: Hi Brooklyn

Brooklyn: where were you?

Savannah: with the Royal Navy.

Brooklyn: "That's great, sister. Come see your dorm room.

Savannah: who is my roommate?

Brooklyn: Wichita CA-45, she's the  heavy Cruiser variant of our Brooklyn sister class

Savannah: Oh, that's interesting! I've heard about Wichita. It must be exciting to have her as my roommate. I'm looking forward to meeting her.      Brooklyn: Absolutely! Wichita is a remarkable ship. She's known for her firepower and versatility. I'm sure you two will get along well. Let's head over to the dorm room and see if she's there.                                                                                                 [They walk together to the dorm room and enter]Savannah: Wow, this is a cozy room. I love the nautical-themed decor. It feels like home already. Brooklyn: I'm glad you like it! We tried to make it comfortable and welcoming. Oh, look, there's Wichita!Wichita: Hello there! You must be Savannah. It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to our humble abode.Savannah: Hi, Wichita. Nice to meet you too! I'm excited to be your roommate. I've heard great things about you and your ship. Wichita: Likewise, Savannah. I hope we'll make a great team. If you have any questions or need help settling in, feel free to ask. Brooklyn: That's right. We're all here to support each other. So, Savannah, how was your time with the Royal Navy? Any exciting stories to share?

Savannah: Well, my time with the Royal Navy was quite eventful. The camaraderie was incredible, and I learned so much from the experienced. Wichita: That sounds amazing, Savannah! The Royal Navy is renowned for its expertise and history. I'm sure you've gained valuable skills and knowledge during your time there. I've always admired the professionalism and dedication of naval forces.
Brooklyn: Definitely, Wichita. Savannah's experience will be a great asset to our team. We'll have the best of both worlds with the Royal Navy and our Brooklyn-class sister ships.
Savannah: Thank you, both. I'm excited to bring my experience to the team and learn from all of you as well. It's fascinating to be a part of the naval community and have the chance to serve alongside such incredible individuals.
Wichita: We're lucky to have you, Savannah. Our crew is like a family, and we take care of each other. If you ever need anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to support each other through thick and thin.
Brooklyn: Absolutely! We're a tight-knit group, and we'll have each other's backs. Now, let's get settled in and make this dorm room our own. Savannah, if you need any help organizing your belongings or finding your way around, just let us know.

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