the Seahawk's first hit

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this is a short chapter,Savannah's four Seahawks were on a night mission. Although scout planes, they were equipped with radar and bombs. Their mission is to bomb siren destroyers.

A blip appears on the radar screen. It's a group of Siren Destroyers! The tension in the cockpits crackles like electricity.The squadron leader barks out commands, his voice laced with steely resolve. The Seahawks maneuver into attack formation, a silent ballet of deadly precision.

Bombs Away!

As they reach their designated bombing point, the pilots unleash a torrent of bombs. The night sky is illuminated by fiery explosions as the ordinance slams into the unsuspecting Siren ships.Amidst the chaos, the Seahawks weave through the flak thrown up by the enemy, their skilled maneuvers a testament to their training and experience.The destroyer erupted in a blinding flash of orange flame, a plume of black smoke billowing into the night sky. The remaining Seahawks followed suit, their payloads finding their mark with deadly accuracy. One by one, the Siren destroyers were sent to a fiery demise.hey had done it. Against all odds, they had emerged victorious. A cheer erupted over the radio, the young pilots' voices filled with a newfound confidence.

But their mission wasn't over yet. As the smoke from the burning destroyers began to dissipate, Jenkins spotted a larger blip on his radar screen. A much larger blip. His blood ran cold. It seems the Sirens had reinforcements.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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