When They Realised They Loved You:

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Kokichi Ouma:

* Someone with a similar sense of humour? Yes please.

* From when you both first met you amused him.

* He still hears it in his head from time to time and it makes him laugh even now.

* Honestly, Kokichi doesn't know when he first started liking you. It just kind of happened.

* One minute you're the cool person that helped him climb a fence and the next he's just hopelessly head-over-heels.

* He just wants to see you happy, and even though he cannot explain where the hell those feelings came from, there's one thing he knows as clear as day;

* You're one of the best things to happen to him.


* He wasn't aware he was even crushing until Miu mentioned it to him.

* "Duuude, dude, dude!" she yelped, one of the most proudest grins displayed on her face, "You know what's up with you?!"

* "No. Please tell me!"

* "You've got a soft spot for Y/N!"

* "Well, yes, they're a good friend and I just can't seem to figure out why they're constantly in my thoug..."

* "No, idiot! I mean; you fucking LIKE Y/N!"

* "Well, yeah! They're my friend, I'd have to like them for them to be my..."

* "No! Fucking hell, Keebs, you're in LOVE with Y/N. You got that? L-O-V-E; LOVE!"

* "That..." he almost recoiled, before pausing in great realisation.

* "That makes so much sense."

* "Awh! My little Kiibo's all grown up I can't even!" she cried, running over and hugging him bouncily.

* Honestly, Kiibo would have argued against Miu's words until she further explained it to him later on.

* Everything she said hit too close to home for him.

* Could he hold eye-contact with you for very long? No. No, not at all. The longest he'd been able to was about four minutes, and when he realised you were actually intently watching he just began looking down at his feet, then at Miu, then at the floor, then at Shuichi, then his feet once more.

* Did he get nervous around you? Yes! Yes, yes, yes, 100%! Miu called them butterflies, and Kiibo just went "Yeah I know that one!"

* Did he greatly enjoy talking to you and feel a rush of blankness after you left? YES. He remembers the time you taught him how to blow bubbles in the park and how when the day was over and you were gone, it was almost like his battery was low.

* When this happened? No one knows; Kiibo words it as "A slow but sudden process I'm not really wired to understand."

* He just knows he likes you, but he doesn't know what to do about it.

Ryoma Hoshi:

* You were chill. Like, you had enough humour to bring curiosity and lighten up a room, but not enough to be deemed too hyper or annoying.

* You just wanted to get to know people, and obviously the pattern with Ryoma was like how it was with everyone.

* If you know, you know.

* You just kept persisting, but you had limits. You knew what boundaries were, and Ryoma appreciated that.

* You just kind of slowly prompted him forward a little, and obviously naturally attachment would grow; though platonic at first.

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