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• Kokichi Ouma

* Minecraft at 3AM? Uh, yes please.

* You two always jokingly mock and tease one another. Childish insults, and cheeky prods of the nose or forehead.

* He likes to have an arm around your shoulder, though it comes off to bystanders as platonic. He likes it to look that way, you like it that way too. It's not too pressuring, but it's just the right amount of affection.

* You often watch The Bee Movie. There's no reason as to why, you just do.

* If you're watching a movie in person, he always has a bowl of popcorn or any snack you can eat prepared.

* You both like to quickly peck one another on the nose. Nothing too extreme, but simple enough to show pure affections.

* You like chasing after one another sometimes, like a game of tag!

* Well, usually, you steal something of Kokichi's, like his grape panta, or a shoe, and he just kind of plays along for a little bit.

* His favourite personal attention thingy he gets from you is when you stroke the tips of his fingers, brushing your hands over his. It's something he only ever gets from you, which makes it even more special. It's your thing, and he usually finds it comforting when he's in a bad mood.

* You two love going out together. Cinema? Hell yes. Park? Hell yes. Random street that neither of you know how you found? Hell yes.

* Wholesome chaotic couple.

* You like playing with his hair. It smells like those plastic scented fair-ground berry toys, but is always so curly and bouncy. He definitely leaves shampoo in by accident, but it doesn't bother you much? You like the bounce of his hair.

• Kiibo

* Picnic dates and musicals? Hell yea.

* You two just love to spend time together. That's literally it.

* Kiibo knows how to make flower crowns and daisy chains and he's literally decorated the picnic basket with them, replacing them a ton since, well, flowers die.

* He also has a tendency to make you a little flower-crown and literally always has to take a moment to process seeing you wear it. It makes his electro-heart go boom. (Flower crowns look great on anyone; don't even fight me on it.)

* You two like to have picnics in open areas like parks and flower-gardens, sometimes even just the back-garden. It's a good time for the both of you, because you're both in your element and can just...talk. Talk about anything, talk about nothing, just talking. Just being in his company, just being in your company, it's lovely.

* It's nice, you both agree.

* Picnic-dates always end with you both laying in the grass and giggling to one another about seemingly stupid things. He loves it, like no joke. The sun on his face and your hand holding his? That, that is what he lives for. His energy levels always maximise when he's with you. 

* He makes effort to send you good morning and good night texts every day.

* Six O'clock on a random morning? Good morning text. Half ten on a random night? Goodnight text.

* Also regularly chimes in about asking how you are, and if you slept well.

* Your wellbeing is super important to him, and it's like it's a literal thing he needs to do to survive; asking if you're okay, I mean.

* He calls you 'Sweetheart', you call him 'Butterscotch'.

* Forehead and nose kisses.

* He's very affectionate, which ultimately surprised you. Kiibo's not the most touchy-touchy type of person. Maybe he'd just gotten more comfortable around you? Either way, you felt nice. You want him to feel loved too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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