When They Comfort You:

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Kokichi Ouma

* Late at night or not, Kokichi does not care. As soon as he finds out of your stress, he's coming right over.

* If it's late, he'll show up anyway. Nothing stops him.

* He simply can't bring himself to merely text you comfort, and just insists on being there.

* He tries to tone his lies down, but this is Kokichi we're on about, so it might not work.

* Whenever you're sad, Kokichi becomes incredibly careful. His joking nature fades for a bit, and he becomes...tender?

* It's weird, but at the same time, also really comforting.

* He'll pull you close, and prop himself down on your bed so you can lay on his chest, or beside him if it's more comfy. (Of course, should you be taller, you curl up to fit properly.)

* He just repeatedly strokes your back, and asks you to let all your troubles out.

* "Y/N, I know you're lying. I'm a sexy liar myself."

* ...

* "But, please, let's just be honest for now, okay? Nothing will go away else...Nothing'll be solved, take it from me."

* Lets you talk, and should you start to cry he'll wipe the tears from your face and softly rock you from side to side.

* Sometimes he'll show up with snacks and drinks, but sometimes he likes to climb through the window. Why, exactly, is beyond your understanding but he seems to enjoy it so you let him.

* Kokichi's very patient with you when you're upset, and once you're feeling better, he'll start cracking jokes and ruffling your hair. He teases you a bit, but not for anything that upset you.

* It's as if his soothing visage just vanishes once he knows you're alright.

* Kokichi just wants to make sure you're doing okay. He can't have his beautiful accomplice distraught, now, can he?

* "Y/N? You can talk to me about this, right? You can trust me this time 'round, you know that, dont'cha?"

Hajime Hinata

* "Y/N? Y/N, I brought F/F, and some of those snacks you like. You up for talking about it?"

* "Not really, but can you stay here with me? I don't want to be alone right now."

* "Yeah...Yeah, that's fine." and he sits down next to you.

* Very casual, acts more like a friend than a boyfriend, and is just very normal around you.

* After showing he's concerned, Hajime will try to joke about with you and talk about something that makes you happy.

* He comes off as very chill and it's incredibly helpful. It's not fun having someone smothering you when you're upset, so the way he handles things is greatly appreciated.

* Of course, he will allow physical affection if that's what you're comfy with. He's not too big on it, mostly out of awkwardness, but he likes to place your head so that it's on his shoulder and will often reach for your hand. 

* He holds it for a bit, and then gently turns it so he can trace the lines and markings of it. It's awfully simple, but it really helps soothe you a majority of the time.

* Hajime will listen to you vent if you want to, but if you don't wish to share it, he'll just try and talk to you, and lighten the mood to distract you. He always sends you a text later though, reminding you he loves you and he's always here for you regardless of whatever happens.

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