Be With Me

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I wanted to vanish
So completely
That even I would
Not remember me.

In the smoky haze of a dimly lit Birmingham speakeasy, Crowley nursed a glass of whiskey, his signature black attire and newly sleek pompadour hair making him seem like a statue in the midst of the raucous crowd. He had seamlessly blended into the underground world of the Peaky Blinders, working alongside the infamous Thomas Shelby in this tumultuous era of post-war Britain.

The jazz band played a sultry tune, one that reminded the demon of fonder times that pulled at the back of his mind. Crowley's amber eyes darted around the room, ever watchful. The demon had become an integral part of Shelby's gambling operations, his cunning mind and resourcefulness proving to be valuable assets in the gang's endeavors. It was a far cry from the celestial conflicts of Heaven and Hell, but for now, it was where he belonged most comfortably. In all of his years, the hardest thing was always trying to find a place to fit in with the ever-changing customs. His easily posed Scottish was a plus for the gang-- neither the Irish-Romani Shelbys nor Crowley were Brits and that helped strengthen their trust in him.

However, long before Crowley found himself at this club, Aziraphale had dedicated her time and energy to the women's rights movement. As a representative of Heaven, she felt that it was in her best interest to help humanity find a place of equality so that one day they could make the right choices. She had become a tireless proponent for women's suffrage, her convictions unwavering. One of her most frequent haunts was a suffragette meeting held in a cramped, smoke-filled room above a bakery in central London. It was a gathering place for fierce women who were willing to risk arrest and confront authorities in their quest for equality. Aziraphale, otherwise known as Aster Zoe Fell, had been arrested multiple times for her participation in protests and demonstrations, but she wore those experiences as badges of honor.

As 1924 approached and women had been granted the right to vote at the age of 30, she found a brief respite while her fellow suffragettes continued for an equal age of voting, the same as men. Aster Fell traveled north to Birmingham, hearing of the wonders of the industrial revolution, and wishing to see it at the heart.


Crowley sat perched on a plush, high-backed leather chair at a corner table, his glass of Scotch in hand, and an unlit cigar resting between his fingers. He sat patiently, not waiting for anyone in particular, but as a spy, listening in at the on-goers of the bar. The air was thick with the scent of expensive cologne, cigarette smoke, and the faintest whiff of illicit activities. Around him, the club's patrons engaged in hushed conversations and laughter, punctuated by the clinking of glasses and the occasional burst of applause. Men and women, all dressed in the fashionable attire of the British youth, moved with an air of sophistication and allure, their flapper dresses, tailored suits, and feathered headbands adding to the ambient, fleeting moments.

The dim lighting cast elongated shadows on the club's crimson velvet curtains and polished mahogany furniture, creating an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue. The jazz band on the small stage played with fervor, their melodies weaving through the room, drawing patrons into the rhythm of the music. Conversations ranged from whispered business dealings to flirtatious exchanges, and from political debates to discussions of the latest societal scandals. Men in sharp suits leaned in close to their elegantly dressed companions, their voices low as they shared secrets and conspiracies. Women with bobbed hair and rouged lips laughed coquettishly, their cigarette holders held at fashionable angles.

As Crowley sipped his Scotch, he couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation that piqued his interest. Words like "deal" and "fixed" seemed to drift through the air, hinting at the undercurrents of the criminal world he had become entangled with. He remained vigilant, his keen eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble or opportunity. His eyes then landed on a figure dancing with a tall, slender man on the dance floor with everyone else. Her attire was a reflection of the times at every turn: a slightly longer style of a flapper dress adorned with golden beads and white fringes, a white rose pin tucking her stark white curls behind her left ear which also adorned a pearl earring.

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