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After Laito left, Hailey cried untill she had passed out. The way her belly churned at the memory of being kissed made her loose her appetite. The rims of her eyes were red from crying and her throat was probably hoarse as well. When she woke up, it was the early hours of the morning.

Laito never came back last night....

She had been surprised that he didn't. She was more surprised about the pang of hurt she felt when he didn't return to the cabin. Up until now, she didn't know where he'd kept her duffle bag. She hoped her phone was still intact. She really needed to call Mika. She was sure her best friend was worried about her silence.

What she didn't know was that her painful sobs from last night didn't go unheard by her Master. He had brought her dinner but paused immediately he heard how hurt and unhappy she was. Laito wasn't one to bother or care for the feelings of others but once he remembered her hurt and betrayed face, wet with tears, his chest clenched in a strange and uncomfortable way.

He didn't understand it. What Laito didn't understand, he knew to bury it deep down. He knew from a young age his feelings weren't ever valid. He didn't need those foolish things. Feelings of attachment or sympathy. He'd only care about his brothers but noone else. To him, women were toys. Toys that needed to be played with. That needed to be broken.

He didn't sleep in his cabin that night. He'd gone to stay over at Kanato's. Listening to his brother talk on and on about his dolls was annoying but he preferred that to actually facing the girl he'd hurt.

He needed to properly bury his feelings of sympathy before he met her again. To avoid slipping up. That was why he was currently standing at the door to his cabin with his hands in his pockets. He'd skipped breakfast though Kanato had asked him to get up for the nth time. He ignored his brother and pretended to rest.

They both knew vampires didn't require much sleep. It was a wonder how they even began to adjust to moving in the day time for their holidays. Even their school hours started at night. Their school, though rich and prestigious, has a few students. This was probably due to the fear of vampires. By vampires, it meant the Sakamakis.

Since he'd avoided having breakfast, he didn't have a glass of blood this morning. He didn't even have one last night because his mind was a bit out of place. He'd decided to get Hailey breakfast after giving her a bath. He scolded himself playfully for his forgetfulness.

I can't be having a dirty Pet now.....

He hesitated a bit but later sighed and pushed open the door to his cabin.

"Princess?.... Daddy's home...." He whistled into the quiet cabin. There she was, fast asleep. She looked worn out and exhausted.


"This won't do...." He hissed under his breath. His Pet wasn't looking any better. He didn't want to have his way with a corpse. He decided that he'd ask Reiji if humans fell ill when exposed to extremely low temperatures.

He leaned over her, about to wake her up but stopped. The way her lips pouted in her sleep was cute. The sadist in him liked the fact that she cried because of him. It made him feel somewhat relieved that she thought about him for so long. But at the same time, that uncomfortable feeling in his chest resurfaced.

It was becoming hard to ignore.He needed to ask Reiji if he was okay as well.

Her brown hair was scattered carelessly as she slept with both her hands cuffed above her head. There were shadows under her eyes and she looked a bit pale. She needed food. He concluded.

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