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Laito had to force feed Hailey before giving her the medicine. She had almost thrown it all up but he had soothed her by nuzzling her neck and distracting her. She had cried due to the discomfort from the fever. Her sickness worried him. It was strange how she had become so silent and weak because of a simple cold. Humans were strange.

He never imagined himself to be so caring towards her. It was so unlike him. But if it meant that he'd get to play with her sooner, he'd personally nurse her back to full health. This situation reminded him of something from his younger days. He wasn't sick though but he was denied of blood for weeks and he'd been locked in a dark room throughout that period.

As a four year old, it was a scary experience. Maybe he seemed to understand sickness through that experience. He'd never want to feel like that again. After her fever broke, he'd held her to sleep. He was startled when he heard her whisper his name while she was unconscious.

Maybe she didn't hate him after all...

Did it really matter though?

His emotions were contradicting and confusing. He'd want to completely dominate her to the point she's writhing with tears in her eyes and at the same time he'd want to be sure that it was what she wanted.

He'd want to have his way with her without restraint but also want to nurse her when she was sick. He still didn't understand why he was so scared and frustrated when he couldn't find her earlier. The same way he'd felt when his mother told him to his face that he wasn't meant to exist without batting an eye.

He didn't want to explore these budding feelings. He didn't want to trust anyone with his heart like he'd done as a child. Only to be cursed at and thrown away without any sort of affection or love.

What was love again?

He'd been so cold for years that he didn't remember how such an emotion felt. He did care for his brothers but those were his brothers.

He didn't want to explore that yet. He would just enjoy the pleasures her body gave him during the winter break. Maybe once the holidays are over he'd figure out what to do further.

The evening of the next day, Hailey's health had been restored. Once she was better, Laito left for the usual rehearsals at the center mansion. His brothers had teased him about his new toy but he brushed them off. He knew they could be brats most of the time and didn't take their teasing too seriously.


The next day, Laito brought Hailey to the mansion for breakfast. He made sure she sat beside him as they had their meal which was mostly cakes, sweetened bread and a croissant or two. Hailey had felt a bit awkward when he tugged at her wrist and introduced her to his brothers.

Well... She already knew each of them. Kanato and Ayato were also in their class. She knew Subaru, Reiji and Shu as well. The Sakamakis were famous vampires at their school. The introductions were for the sake of formalities. Also because Laito was sure Shu and Subaru probably didn't know who she was. They weren't the types to pay attention to others.

Shu sat at the head of the table. Reiji was on his right while Ayato was on his left. Kanato sat in between Ayato and Subaru. Laito sat beside Reiji and Hailey took the normally empty seat opposite Subaru, which was beside Laito.

Not long into their breakfast time, Ayato already started asking personal questions like,

"Have you guys fucked yet?" Hailey dropped her fork in surprise upon his words. His vulgarity was something she'd never gotten used to since they were first years.

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