chapter 8- i need to piss so bad dude

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You had supervised Toby's rest for a while before the need to use the restroom made your bladder hurt. You wondered if you needed to wake him up. Would he be mad, if he aroused and you weren't here? What would the consequences of your actions be?

The pain didn't subside and it combined with the throbbing wound in your abdomen to form an unearthly abomination of misery. You had to get up.

You take one casting glance toward Toby's sleeping figure, before slowly climbing out of bed. Your foot got stuck in the masses of blankets and sheets Toby had (somehow) cocooned you two in. You maneuvered your hip in a way that made your necessity to use the bathroom worse and busted free. You realized how cold the room was. You felt gooesebumps creep up your bare theighs and arms like a spider making its way up to its web.

When you woke up a few hours ago you didn't really get to look at Toby's room. You were more focused on him during that time anyway. Your face heated at the shame.

Toby's room was...messy. He had piles of clothing that you had to hurl your good foot over to get across to his door. It seemed to be an old-styled room -the walls were a rotten type of wood- and had very few modern things in it.

Toby seemed to like old-fashioned indie music. Old bands that you never heard the name of (they didn't seem popular, more like college dropouts who decided to pick up a drumstick and guitar) were lined across lazily on the wall. The posters were torn but overall still legible.

There was a small desk near the door. You had the urge to pry through whatever concoction he might retained in the drawers. This is more interesting than pissing anyways.

Your finger lightly touched the wood on the desk. It wasn't uneven to the touch, it seemed to be the one thing that was in good shape in his room. You guessed it was more used for storage than anything else.

Along the cool wooden structure there was empty bottles of various beers. The chair -that barely looked like you could sit it in- was a black sweatshirt that was semi thrown onto the chair. Other than that there wasn't anything of interest.

With your weird obsession at looking through Toby's shit satisfied, for now, you crept back up to the door. You fiddled with the door handle for about a minute before it opened.

You stuck your head out into the hallway looking for any signs of people. There wasn't anyone. Just an endless-looking dark hallway...

You stepped out into the dark holding your side to try to soothe the pain that shot up your abdomen every few steps.

The floorboards creaked and groaned under your weight, you found yourself holding your breath with every sound listening for....something.

You swept your other hand across the wall, letting it guide you down the dark abyss that was this mansion.


Well fuck.

A/n sorry this chapter is so short. I was editing my doc and decided to make this part into two chapters. The next chapter is probably going to be about 2,000 words lmao (I have no life)


DaddyYoonbum thank you!!!<3333

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