Chapter 15- Entry one

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Toby must've woken up before you. There was only a wrinkled-up blanket as evidence he was even there. You pat at the spot- it was still warm.

You guessed he had gone to piss. You took this moment of peace and stretched out your body over the tiny bed. You felt multiple bones pop and let out a groan.

After you were finished stretching your limps out akwardly you sat up in the bed looking around. He's been gone for too long. You were getting worried.

Grief struck you with a glove full of bricks. Worried? You shouldn't be worried about that dickhead.

You ball up the sheets in your hands. Don't think about them. Don't think about them. Don't think about them.

you could chime all you wanted wordlessly but the manifestation of your parents dead corpses are forever burned into your soul.

You rubbed your eyes trying to wipe away the unwanted memories. Your mom's lifeless eyes were imprinted in the back of your eyelids.

Suddenly you heard frantic footsteps. You quickly readjust yourself to make it look like you had been asleep. Out of your squinted eyes, you saw the familiar blob of Toby with a strange item in his hand. You entirely shut your eyes as he brought himself closer.

"Y-y/n" you felt his blood-stained hands on your shoulder. It seized all your resilience not to flinch away. "W-wake up!"

You unfurled one eye slowly and fabricated a yawn. "What time is it?" You said with phony grogginess. Toby made a face as he looked around for a way to tell you the time.

"Late" he said merely with a shrug. He held out the foreign object towards you. "Anyway, b-boss said t-to give t-this to y-you"

It was a tattered-looking book. It was bound by deep brown leather and seemed to have a small coating of dust on it. Where the title would be there was a bizarre language scribbled over the front.

You took hold of the text from Toby. You turned it over in your hands smearing the dust into your palms. A book from Slenderman...?

The back was in a poorer condition than the front. The spine of the book was broken in and torn, and the leather on the rear was fraying away.

Toby deemed the book uninteresting. While you were flipping through the yellow pages he grumbled. You had to slap his hands away multiple times so you could try to read through some of the text.

Entry one: Today, I made a mistake. There's someone watching me. I knew it was there. It always is. I told someone about the faceless man in my dreams and reality.

They suggested that I go get help. That it wasn't real. It is. He is.

A strange Mark has appeared on my stomach, it's a circle with an "x" through it. My mom thinks I got a tattoo. She's pissed.

I think the mark has something to do with the creature that lurks at the edges of my vision.

I also think it's making it so I can't use devices. I had to buy this journal to get all these thoughts down. I'm not crazy. He's real. He's right behind me while I write this.

-Eli Alford

"L-lets do something m-more fun" he groaned. "That's w-work-related"

A/n: sorry this is a short chapter, but look forward to Toby x reader fluff in the next one. Please suggest any ideas for .5 chapters.

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