Chapter 2

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After his final lesson with Maester Gerardys ended, Aerion practically ran along the castle hallways as he searched for Aegon. He just wanted to be far away from the Red Keep and to get to a place where the question of his parentage didn't matter, where it could just be him and Aegon.

He eventually found him in the library, a place where Aegon regularly hid since no one besides Aerion ever thought to look for him there. He was sitting in a corner of the library, hid between two bookshelves, seemingly looking over a small model of a golden dragon.

Aerion sat across from him, saying nothing.

"This is the last gift he gave me," Aegon muttered, turning the dragon over to run his thumb along the pointed spikes along its face.

"King Viserys?" Aerion asked. He had a similar model, though his was midnight black and tipped with blue.

Aegon nodded.

"Are you hiding from Otto again?" Aerion dared to ask, his voice soft.

"My mother this time, actually. Apparently the maester told her that I've been skipping lessons. She was unhappy about that."

"You could come learn from Maester Gerardys with Jace and I," Aerion suggested.

"It wouldn't matter. I doubt it would make me a better student," Aegon muttered crossly.

"There are more important things than studies." Aerion enjoyed history and learning from the maesters about different topics, but all his life Aegon had struggled to find any interest in the subjects they were taught every day.

"Like dragons?" Aegon asked, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Like dragons." Aerion agreed. "You promised to take me to the secret beach."

"Did I?"

Aerion shoved him playfully.

Aegon laughed and stood, holding his hand out to help Aerion to his feet. Aerion took it, but didn't let go once they were standing. Aegon's hand was warm and comforting in his, a familiar weight he'd gotten used to over the years.

They made their way out into the corridor, heading towards the stables so that the grooms could saddle their horses to take them to the Dragonpit. They were supposed to have a retinue of soldiers or members of the Kingsguard escort them, but Aegon had bribed the grooms with gold to look the other way whenever he and Aerion headed out together alone.

"Aegon!" a voice cut sharply through the corridor.

They both glanced over their shoulders to see Queen Alicent standing in a dazzling long sleeved emerald gown, looking furious. "Aegon, come here!"

Aegon turned his gaze towards him, a smirk taking over his features. "Run!"

Before Aerion could even reply, Aegon had already taken off down the corridor, pulling Aerion along with him. Aerion laughed and squeezed Aegon's hand, running beside him as they skidded around the corner and out of Alicent's sight, though not out of earshot.

"Aegon! Come back here right now!"

They burst out one of the castle's side doors and tore across the courtyard to the stables. Moryn, the head groom, turned quickly from the horse he was saddling in surprise. "My princes? What are you-"

"I'm sorry Moryn, but we're in a hurry!" Aerion said, letting go of Aegon's hand to run down to the stall where his horse was kept. Seaflame was a beautiful bay mare who had been gifted to him by Lord Corlys on his sixth name day.

Aerion moved into the stall and ran a hand along her nose before grabbing hold of her mane and vaulting himself onto her back, a move that had taken both practice and growing a few inches before he'd been able to complete it. Aegon ran in a few seconds later with Seaflame's bridle, carefully easing it on despite his rush. Seaflame was more than used to their strange exploits by now and she stood placidly as they rushed around her.

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