Chapter 3

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By the time Aerion returned to his family's apartments in the castle, he was windswept and mostly dry. The dragon ride and his conversation with Aegon had managed to uplift his mood enough that he could almost push the incident with Harwin and Criston Cole to the back of his mind.

He pushed the door to the living area open, wondering if he would get in trouble for running off with Aegon. He knew his mother didn't completely approve of their friendship, though she'd never said as much. Aerion figured that she thought Aegon was a bad influence, which wasn't exactly untrue. There was also a possibility she would be cross if Alicent had come to her to complain about both of them ignoring her earlier. His mother would know the truth, but Alicent always tried to make it seem that Aerion was the primary cause of Aegon's misbehavior.

His mother glanced up when he stepped in, holding his newest young brother close to her chest. He moved over to sit beside them on the couch, studying Joffrey's tiny facial features and dark eyes. His memories of Lucerys as a baby were hazy, he'd only been about four, but Joffrey looked very similar to the few memories of baby Luke that he had.

"How is he doing?" Aerion asked.

"He's doing well," his mother said, smiling softly at them both. "The maester told me that he's the picture of good health so far."

"That's good," Aerion replied, relieved that there seemed to be nothing wrong with him. His mother had always been lucky with her children, but he knew that his grandmother had died in childbirth after losing all the children she'd had after his mother at a young age. It scared him to think the same thing could have happened to his mom or that something horrible could happen to baby Joffrey if he wasn't strong enough.

"Aerion," his mother said, voice suddenly serious. "I need to speak to you about something important."

"What is it?" he asked nervously, feeling apprehensive by her sudden change in tone.

"Your father and I have decided that it would be best to move the family to Dragonstone."

Aerion could only stare as he felt the meaning of the words sink in. " Dragonstone?"

"Yes, in a few days."

"A few days?" he demanded. "I don't want to leave King's Landing!"

His outburst had caused Joffrey's tiny features to slightly screw up as if he was about to cry and his mother sent him a reproachful look as she gently rocked Joffrey back and forth until his expression softened. "Watch your voice around your brother."

Aerion shook his head. "I'm not leaving."

"You'll still be able to visit and write letters," his mother promised him, her expression understanding.

"I don't want to write letters! I want to be here with Aegon!" How were they supposed to go on secret dragon rides or race their dragons together once Ajax was large enough? How could they sneak into the kitchens to steal desserts before dinner or curl up together in the library while Aerion read and Aegon drew if Aerion lived all the way in Dragonstone?

"That's not an option. I'm the princess of Dragonstone and there are responsibilities I should attend to there." Aerion had the feeling she was holding something back, but he didn't care what it was. There was nothing that could have made him willing to leave Aegon behind.

"He'll forget about me!"

"I hardly think that's likely. He's your uncle."

"Your uncle forgot about you," he spit out bitterly. Daemon had lived in Pentos most of his life. Aerion hardly knew him, except by reputation from what people around the castle had told him.

Sworn Fate // Aegon Targaryen IIWhere stories live. Discover now