Chapter 7

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Aerion was impatient as he lay under the blankets on his bed and waited for his brothers to go to sleep. The seconds slipped past slowly as he heard Jace continue to toss and turn, his breathing finally evening out as he slipped into sleep.

He quickly got up and changed back into the clothes he'd been wearing earlier, creeping over to the door and opening it as quietly as possible.

He glanced back and forth down the hallway, but saw no one around. That was slightly strange since at least one of the King's Guard usually stood nearby while the royal family slept, but Aerion wasn't going to complain about his good fortune.

The castle hallway was bathed in shadows as he slowly edged his way out of his room. He wasn't quite sure how he was going to find Aegon. Despite it being his inheritance, Aerion hadn't stayed at High Tide often and he didn't know its passageways like he knew the ones at the Red Keep or even the way he was starting to know them on Dragonstone.

He didn't even know where the Hightowers were staying.

As if in answer to his thoughts, there was the sound of a crash nearby followed by a hissed out curse.

Well, he supposed Aegon did have a habit of somehow always making himself as conspicuous as possible.

He made his way toward the noise and stepped into a nearby corridor where Aegon was cradling his elbow and glaring at a wall sconce scornfully.

"Aegon?" he asked quietly.

In the dim light, he could just barely make out Aegon's expression brightening when he caught sight of Aerion and realized who he was. Aegon looked slightly more steady on his feet, though even from this distance it was clear he wasn't completely sober.

Aerion went to Aegon's side, glancing at the offending wall sconce. "How badly did you hurt yourself?"

"Oh, I'll be fine," Aegon's voice was dramatically despondent. "I'll bruise, but I suppose it will heal."

"We should head outside," Aerion murmured, casting a quick look towards the end of the hall. The castle seemed comfortingly still and silent, but the last thing Aerion wanted was to be caught by one of the King's Guard sneaking around with Aegon.

"I know where we can go," Aegon said quickly, grabbing onto Aerion's hand.

"You do?" he asked surprised, lacing their fingers together almost without thought. Aegon's touch had made him feel flustered lately, but holding Aegon's hand came naturally to him. It always had.

"When I flew in on Sunfyre, I spotted a little cove to the east. It should be private enough."

"Lead the way," Aerion said. He gripped Aegon's hand tighter, feeling a bubbly excitement start in his chest. Being away from Aegon had made him realize how precious any shared moment was.

Beyond that though, something about this meeting felt different. He couldn't exactly explain it, but this moment felt like it meant more than the times they had snuck off to cause chaos and mischief when they were younger.

After a few wrong turns, they eventually were able to slip out of one of the castle's side doors. Above them, the moon shone on the sand dunes that spread out across the landscape and Aerion could hear the distant sound of crashing waves.

He felt the tension bleed out of his frame as the cool night air soothed him. They had made it outside. Getting back into the castle would be another matter, but for now, he and Aegon could finally be alone for the first time since Aerion left Dragonstone.

"It's beautiful here," Aegon said, a tinge of awe in his voice.

"Almost everywhere is nicer than the Red Keep or Dragonstone."

Sworn Fate // Aegon Targaryen IIWhere stories live. Discover now