Chapter 1. Out With the Old

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It all began a long time ago. There was news that a baby had been born with animalistic traits. 

Ears, tails, fins, scales, feathers, and all kinds of traits had been discovered in people in various places around the world with no explanation as to how this had come to be.

Before we knew it, this had become the norm. This began the Hybrid Society we live in today. With all of the different kinds of animal hybrids that exist, the world has completely changed.

As expected with animals, a hierarchy began. Alpha's tended to be the more powerful and rich in society. Beta's and Delta's were more working class, and the most common.

 Omega's however had been nearly wiped off of the map while the world was in transfiguration and had dissipated due to mostly killings, abuse, and sex trafficking. 

Omega's were seen as nothing short of a means to breed. Their regulated Heat cycles turned even the nicest Hybrids into complete animals. Their pheromones were just too strong to resist. 

It was too dangerous of a world for Omega's. To keep them from going extinct and to keep their identities safe, anyone born an Omega was labeled as a Delta. The only way to know if you had found an Omega was when they went through their powerful Heat cycles.

Nowadays Alpha's tend to mate with Beta's and Delta's. Finding an omega was very rare, but even those few still surviving in hiding could do so with suppressants, or the more common drug known as Mini Pills which have a lower risk factor. There was also a special medicated spray Omega's could use to sort of disguise their scent especially when in Heat.

"Therefore society finds it hard to determine who is a Beta, Delta, or hidden Omega." 

Rolling my eyes I pressed my finger, a little too hard, on the power button of the remote silencing the reporter on t.v.  I hated when they talked about that sort of thing. 

Who cares if someone is an Omega or Beta? The point is they aren't Alpha's and all succumb to them in the end.

Bitterly I watched the t.v. screen go dark before wiping my face with a small checkered kitchen towel. The spicy aroma of kimchee filled the air. I was making a simple dinner for myself in my tiny one bedroom apartment.

"Now, let's watch something far more appealing." I waved my "updated" DVD of 'Pretty Woman'. I knew DVD's were a thing of the past, but I couldn't seem to let go of this one. It was my favorite.

As I sat on my too lumpy sofa, started the movie, and dug into my bowl, my phone buzzed.

Swallowing the large bite I had taken, I peeked at the message and frowned. 

You can pick up your stuff tomorrow at my place.

By the way, No hard feelings. 

Feeling my face grow hot and not because of the kimchee, I shoved my phone to the other side of the sofa and pouted. I placed my bowl on the coffee table having lost my appetite. Not even 'Pretty Woman' could spare me from this mood.

Tch. No hard feelings?!

My dark green bushy swirl of a tail twitched irritably behind me.

All of the feelings!

I had been working a good job and thought I could make something of myself there. That is until he walked in the door. Immediately taken with him, I showed him around and introduced him to all of the right people, and helped him out to learn the job.

Things had been going well for a few months until there was an announcement for a new position, and the two of us were in the running. He schmoozed his way onto the board and before I knew it I was being fired and found myself officially dumped.

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