Chapter 2. Cross-Mate

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Inside the office was beautiful. The floors were polished dark wood. The walls were painted a deep gray. There was an entire wall made of windows to the right of the glass receptionist desk. A few fake plants were scattered about the space. There was a white sofa with orange and black pillows assorted on the cushions. A glass topped coffee table with a tree stump for a base held a stack of medical magazines. There was a miniature pebbled infinity waterfall opposite the magazines.

Through glass doors behind the receptionist desk, I could see a spacious room with rows of desks lined along the window wall with people typing profusely on holographic computers like the receptionist downstairs had.

Kirishima waved to the floor receptionist with short thick pink dyed hair and tiny horns. She, like Kirishima, had shimmering pink scales bordering her face and cheekbones. Her scent was similar to strawberries, and stronger than Kirishima's. 

She must be an Alpha female of his species or something close.

Her dark eyes glanced at him in amusement. She popped bubble gum between her parted lips as they curled into a smirk. 

"Whatcha got there?" She giggled, wagging her brows at me. I peered around Kirishima's elbow as she cupped her cheek and leaned on her arm waiting for a response.

"Oh, this is Midoriya. I sort of bumped into him earlier." Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"He's adorable!" She squeaked.
"I'm Mina, nice to meet ya." She smiled from her seat. I waved at her from behind him. Peering around him she took in my mud stained clothes.

"You did that to the poor thing?" She clicked her tongue in disapproval as she came out from behind the desk. I could see now she was wearing a tight white strapless dress with a little lace work at the hem above her knees, and strappy white shoes. A purple blazer was draped over the back of her chair.

She came forward and studied my muddied clothes. Kirishima took a healthy step back as she spun around.

Now I feel really underdressed.

"Boss is not gonna like him tracking mud inside the office." She clicked her teeth, folding her arms over her chest.

"We'll only be a second. I wanna give him my spare clothes so I can dry clean his. It's the least I could do after knocking him into a mud puddle especially after the day he's had." 

"Alright, alright, don't get your panties in a bunch." She waved her hand dismissively as she pressed a button on her desk unlocking the doors.

I followed Kirishima inside after quietly thanking Mina for allowing me in. The office was even more magnificent. The polished wood floors continued inside to reach the floor to ceiling windows making up two walls. It was like standing at the mouth of a high cave. I could see the blue sky and other skyscrapers along the skyline. It was breathtaking. 

Opposite the windows there was an orange painted wall with the company logo centered with spotlights. To the right of this wall was a set of glass double doors with a gold plaque on the outside stating this was the CEO'S office.

Kirishima stopped at a cubicle just outside of the CEO'S office. There was an empty room adjacent to the office. It was for the CEO'S secretary but it seemed completely vacant.

"Alright, here we go." Kirishima held up a burgundy button down, and some black slacks.

"I don't have spare shoes but these should at least get you home dry." He rubbed the back of his neck. A nervous gesture.

"Thank you." I lowered my head in appreciation. Though he was a Beta, being an Omega I was still lower on the food chain even if we were different species. Trying not to let that show, I cleared my throat and pointed to the bulletin board hanging outside of his cubicle. Their sales were down, and due to my-my previous company. Interbreed.

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