Part 8

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Between wiping his sweat and giving him water, I prepared my mixture and voiced the incantation. The greenish tea turned into a sweet, pink tonic with a minor side effect I discovered by accident. Sometimes I wonder how I am still alive, but little did I know back then it would come in handy.

"I think I should apologise in advance for this, but I honestly don't see the point of it." And raising my sleeves and tying my hair, I stripped Silas down to nothing. I replaced the water in the washing basin with my tonic and meticulously washed him from head to toe. "You should be grateful this thing smells nice otherwise no one would come anywhere near you for weeks," I joked, but it felt dry.

Covering him with a sheet, I poured the bit of tonic I saved, and made him drink it, but as soon as he swallowed the last drop, his whole skin turned dark blue, and steam raised to the ceiling. Covering my mouth and nose, I rushed and opened all the windows so air would chase away the thickening steam. It took three hours for Silas's skin to return to normal, but when all the steam finally cleared, his complexion looked healthier than ever. Everything was gone, his fever included.

Watching over him from the chair next to the bed, I sighed in relief, but seriously, wake up already! I thought, growing slightly annoyed. How long are you going to sleep for? I repeatedly poked his cheek. He grumbled, clearly bothered, and pushing my hand away, Silas went back to sleep.

You had me worried sick and made me come all this way, so don't think I'm going to let you sleep any longer, I scoffed, poking him harder.

Without opening his eyes, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into bed, making me land almost on top of him.

"My lord, is this a habit of yours? Pulling ladies into your bed while you are completely naked?" I said, trying to sound hurt, but I could barely stifle my laughter.

Hearing my voice, his eyes shot open, and he looked at me as if seeing a ghost.

"Alana..." he whispered.

"How are you feeling? Do you have any pains anywhere?" I said softly, caressing the side of his head.

Taking in my words, Silas put an arm around me, and with the other, he pushed himself upright.

"No... I-I don't," his expression told me he still tried to make sense of what was happening. "In fact, I haven't felt this good in months."

"I'm not surprised." I pulled myself away from his arms and looked at him gravely. "The poison in your bloodstream wasn't one to act fast. Whoever is trying to get you gave it to you conscientiously, and you took it without suspecting a thing. I thought you caught them all." I frowned, slightly raising my voice.

"Looks like I missed one." Silas just shrugged, grinning foolishly.

"This is not a joke!" I lost my patience, and jumping to my feet, I walked away from the bed. "If I were to arrive any later, then it would've been too late for you, and now instead of dinner, your servants would've prepared your funeral."

"You are right," Silas said apologetically, sliding off the bed, and wrapping the bedsheet around his waist, he came closer to me. "But can you ask me not to be happy when you are standing in my chamber? I've tried to convince you to come here for how long now. And I've failed every time. But this person, although he tried to harm me, he ended up doing me the biggest favour. Were you worried?" he tilted his head to see my face better, although I tried to avoid his look.

"If you can ask stupid questions so soon after you woke up, then I suppose you are feeling well enough." I folded my arms to my chest and took a step back, trying to focus on something other than his naked chest, but Silas wasn't having any of it.

Closing the distance between us yet again, he slipped a finger under my chin and raised my face to meet his, Silas whispered; his warm breath tickling my skin.

"Please tell me you will stay."

"Just for a little while, to make sure you're not poisoned again." I sighed.

"That's a start."

He leaned in to kiss me, but before our lips met, a loud growl echoed through the room, startling us before Silas pulled away, his face turning crimson red.

"It's to be expected to be hungry after so many days. Put on some clothes; I'll tell the maids to bring your dinner." I smiled and ran out the door.

Out in the empty corridor, I breathed deeply a few times, trying to regain my composure. A little while should be fine, then I was going to leave before any misfortune would befall any of us.

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