chap2 the explanations(revamp)

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In the office

Wales: so where did you came from?

Nemesis: from United blood legion

Enterprise: iron blood?

Nemesis: no our legion contains male and female battling against sirens,alien,humans,evil kansens and more

Illustrious: so where is this base

Nemesis: it's not in this universe though

Wales: not in this universe...

Enterprise: there's more universes?

Nemesis: yes considering 250 time lines of azur lane

Illustrious: so where's this univers Command center

Nemesis: it's in univers 61 in the mars base

Enterprise: mars?

Nemesis: there is 8-9 planets in the solar system which is constantly....

Wales: what?

Nemesis: I forgot what planets there is...

Wales: oh...ok... 2nd question.

Enterprise: why are you a USL are you from Eagle union?

Nemesis: no im from united States of luzinki

Enterprise: luzinki?

Nemesis: yes the leader his name is alex der grosse

Illustrious: a iron bloods name?

Nemesis: that for his nickname true name is alexsander greyrat she's also your big brother enterprise

Enterprise: wait what!!

Wales: so that's all....

Enterprise: ok then

Illustrious: what is your airplane look like?

Nemesis: that's for another time Illustrious-san

Illustrious: oh ok then..

Wales: your dismissed...

Nemesis: thank you... bye!

Wales: ok!!

At the port

Cleveland: oh hey Nemesis

Nemesis: haha just call me nemis for short

Cleveland: oh ok.. can you help me with this

Nemesis: sure

Cleveland: thanks

5 minutes later

Cleveland: thank you nemis

Nemesis: no problem.. well I gotta go bye clevbro

Cleveland: oh ok bye nemi- wait clevbro?

30 minutes later

Nemesis: ah what a wonderful music from my friend yamato

The music

Nemesis: ah so peaceful

Girl 1: um sir what was your listening with??

Nemesis: oh hello who you?

Girl1: my name is USS denver

Nemesis: oh... a Cleveland type cruiser right

Denver: yes how did you know sir

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