bonus in the multiverse 3

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The next day

At the ocean of iron blood

Dutch: yawn!

Berlin: you done sleeping..?

Dutch: yeah go sleep now

Berlin: thanks..

Dutch: mm (looks at to eugen and others)

Eugen: oh?..

Z23: what's wrong? Dutch right?

Dutch: um yes im Dutch and I'm ok and were soon to be in iron blood about 2 hours?

Time skip two hours

At iron blood

Bismarck: oh eugen your back you two U-546- who you are

Eugen: hello too Bismarck

Z23: this is Dutch and Berlin... wait what classes are you two?

Dutch: oh me and Berlin?

Z23: yes..

Dutch: I am FDG dutchland 2nd class of Berlin class destroyer!!

Berlin: and I am FDG Berlin 1st class of Berlin class destroyer!!

Out of nowhere someone shout

???: was!

Z23: oh dutchland.. wait WHAT!

(KMS)Dutchland: how are you the same name as me!

(FDG)Dutch: because I am you daughter mother!

Dutchland: what!!! I feel like I'm going to faint.

FDR: who's the father?

Berlin: ( looks at Dutch) uhm...

Dutch: it's our papa Alex... wait our father nn is der grosse right?

Berlin: well yeah but true name is aishi so....

FDR: so who's Alex?

Berlin: should we tell them?

Dutch: no do you want to get fired by a big plasma Conon!

Berlin: well no...

Bismarck: so are you two done arguing we'll going now to the office

At the office

Bismarck: so what are you two here For?

Hipper: the empire has broke up with crimson axis

Eugen: our step brother has return Bismarck~

Bismarck: wha... wait what!

Tirpitz: (whispers) big brother♡

Bismarck: why are you smiling sis?

Tirpitz: nothing ( blush l

Bismarck: ok... well are you two going to stay here?

Dutch: and Alex want you too break with crimson axis and disband it and join azur lane back!

Berlin: if you don't join in 2 months there will be consequences!

Bismarck: I have to plan that... and you may leave now

Dutch/Berlin: Danke, Tante Bismarck, wir gehen jetzt

Bismarck: ok...

After the two sister's leave

Bismarck: so.... what now?

Back at the empire

Alex: yawn!

Shinano: mm.....

Alex: right I sleep with shinano oh well I get change


Alex: oh is that the two ships in dock so nagato building it now huh?...

Shokuko: hello skk

Alex: oh... don't call me skk and no formalities shoku~

Shokuko: eh? ( blush l

Zaikuku: sister!- uh hello skk

Alex: hello Zaikuku

Shokuko: so um skk what is that ship nagato building?

Alex: oh new yamato class battlecarrier and carrier

Zaikuku: are there good?

Alex: the carrier has good swordwommen skill

Zaikuku: really!

Alex: yes And the battlecarrier has a bow which an ancient bow... and good at instrument

Shokuko: really? Skk

Alex: yes Shokuko

Nagato: hello skk

Alex: hello nagato taking a walk?

Nagato: yes skk

Alex: ok ima eat rammen bye

zai/Shokuko: bye skk

At the rammen shop

Alex: one rammen plss the orig- ka kashino??

Kashino: skk.. ( cries )

Alex: aw don't cry... and sorry for leaving you..

Kashino: ok ( sob) it's ok skk but where did you go?

Alex: oh I was with yamato- shit....

Everyone except alex: nani!!!

Musashi: wha- what did you say brother!

Nagato: yamato-sama is alive!

* clack clack clack*

Everyone look around and sees amagi

Amagi: why are you all so noisy here?

Zaikuku: it's because yamato is alive? Is that true amagi-sama?

Amagi: mm oh.. yamato..

Musashi: amagi you know everything why didn't you say it!

Amagi: ( looks at alex ) it's only Alex knows that...

Musashi: brother?

Alex: hah! Ok ok I explain (runs) ima explain it tomm-

Musashi: where did you think your going big brother tell me where is yamato ni-san?

Alex: ( gulp )


Alex: ok I explain it now...

Musashi calms down

Alex: ... yamato.. you say..

Musashi: ...

Nagato: ...

Alex: yamato is just watching you all and she is super mad that you broke up with azur lane...

All are silent except for Alex and amagi

Alex: after yamato's death I tp her to another world which is the one that build amagi again

Nagato: what!

Amagi: shush nagato

Nagato: yes amagi...

Alex: after a 191 years the UN rebuilt yamato again with a ship oh no a space battleship

After explaining ( I'm lazy ok )

Alex: amagi call yamato and ginga to come down to earth

Amagi: of course honey

End chapter next chapter 8 yamato? Ginga?


Alex: amagi♡

Amagi: mm..

Alex: hehe I'm gonna fuck you

Amagi: sure

Magi: is mama and papa gonna make a sister for me!!

Alex: ( looks at amagi )

Amagi: ( looks at alex )

Both: sure child/magi

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