chap1 ariving in azur lane(revamp)

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Nemesis: ?! Where im I?

???: oh your awake your in the void world

Nemesis: who are you?

???: my name is the goddess im going to reincarnated to azur lane

Nemesis: azur lane?

Goddess: yes azur lane full of shipgirls of ww2 ships

Nemesis: mm ok then

Goddess: what you want male or female

Nemesis: male

Goddess: ok then I be sending you there now ..e...

Nemesis: bye goddess

In azur lane

Wales: oh good morning Cleveland

Clevebro: ah good morning Wales do you know who's coming in my faction

Wales: no who is it

Clevebro: it's grey ghost

Wales: oh enterprise yes and the Royal navy will coming here in 2 days

Clevebro: oh royal nav-wait is that illustrious!

Wales: oh illustrious is here come let's greet our friend

Arriving at the port

Illustrious: hello your majesty

Wales: don't call me majesty illustrious san

Illustrious: haha yes wales-mm? Who are you

Clevebro: name's USS Cleveland and greetings miss illustrious

Illustrious: drop the miss Cleveland

Clevebro: ok illustrious

Meanwhile in Nemesis

Nemesis: agh my head- huh?! Hey wait a minute did she send me in the middle of the ocean

Goddess: no idiot I send you too east base of azur lane

Nemesis: oh ok then how do i move my riggings

4 hours later

Nemesis: oh ok I know it now thank you goddess

Goddess: alright then Nemesis I see you in the dream world

Nemesis: yes goddess see you there

Goddess: ok

Goddess disappear

Nemesis: well then I go to azur lane

In azur lane

Clevebro: Wales sirens there attacking

Wales: what sound the alarm

Javelin: oh no an attack

Laffey: mm im sleepy(sleepy face)

Javelin: laffey there's a enemy attack plss don't fall asleep

Cleveland shout

Cleveland: Cleveland Knight of the season


Cleveland: we are kansens to fight sirens and save humanity to survive we kill them all

Sirens fighters: voooooommmmm

Javelin: ahhh!

Laffey: Javelin are you alright

Javelin: yes still active

Then petals of sakura emerge

???1: yes we are build to destroy the sirens but we may not be our fight

???2: but we fight our enemy's with might

???1: we destroy them all

???1: I am IJN akagi first division

???2: and I am IJN kaga first division

Both: and we are the first division aircraft carrier group we devour you

Cleveland: sakura empire what?!

???: don't hurt my friends!

Javelin: support planes!

Javelin: Unicorn!

Kaga: oh a prey is a prey I devour you

Cleveland: no!! Unicorn!!

Kaga: ahhahahaha hahaha

Then a missile hit Kaga in starboard of the big kitsune

Kaga: agh! Who fire it!!

???: me why

Kaga: who are you?! I can't forgive you this body only belongs to my ne-sama!

???: me I am USS Nemesis ultra supercarrier

Akagi: ara~ ara~ a boy

Kaga: im gonna kill you

Then an arrow hit her

Kaga: agh!!

Akagi: kaga!!

Kaga:im alright ne-sama

Akagi: no were leaving!

Kaga:yes ne-sama!

Akagi: consider this a declaration of war to azur lane we crimson axis will win this

Nemesis: nah bruh N@zi germany and japan will not be winning against azur lane

Enterprise lock her bow into Nemesis and other ships too

Nemesis: wait wait im not enemy im azur lane or alternative timeline

Wales: all of you stop...thank you for helping us Mr.nemesis

Nemesis: drop the mr. Miss Wales

Wales: ok then- wait how did you know my name

Nemesis: I know all ww2 ships im a Futuristic ship

Enterprise: how could we know that your not enemy

Nemesis: let's just say I know all of you you too grey ghost

Enterprise: ok I believe you now

Nemesis:can we dock now we continue this in your office miss Wales (smirk)

Wales: (blush) ah yes yes Nemesis

Wales mind: why my heart beating so fast when I see her I can't stop thinking something

Illustrious: Wales are you ok your face is red

Wales: oh uh it's nothing illustrious

Illustrious: ok then you say so

Nemesis: so um...

Wales: oh yeah yes come follow us

To be continued

I give it a try to revamp everything it look well now bieng the old is not correct

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