battle of midway P1 (chap 5)

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Meanwhile at azur lane HQ

Nemis:it's been 3 months I guess I'ma have my recon planes over the sky's huh....

At the Royal garden

Wales: so how's nemesis doing

Belfast: he's ok miss Wales

Wales: ok.

Elizabeth: it's been 3 months where is that called Alex?

Wales: the last thing Mr. Alex said he's going to Greenland

Illustrious: but Greenland is unhabitat?...

Wales: well I don't know..

Somewhere at Greenland

Alex: ah good to be back in this base

Random Sargent: sir *salutes* welcome back!

Alex: thank you Sargent...

Sargent: yes sir.

???: ah! Kommandant your back!

???: I'm glad master your back

Alex: oh otto and bel yes im back

Otto: so skk? Where is Dutch and Berlin?

Alex: uhm dutch at SE and Berlin was at the IB

Otto: aw....

Alex: don't worry ok.

Otto: hai...

Bel: master amagi sama was waiting for you.

Alex: oh thank you bel.

Bel bow's

Alex: well it being said where's USS angel at?

Bel: at the office master.

Back to nemesis

Cleve: nemesis!

Nemesis: yes cleve?

Cleve: where are you going?

Nemesis: oh I'm going out to the sea for a moment.

Cleve: can we join too?

Nemesis: sure- wait we?

Cleve: oh you never meet my sister's

Nemesis: uh denver i know her why

Denvy: hello nemesis!

Nemesis: hello denvy

Denvy: thank yo- eh! *blushes*

Cleve: oh my denvy huh?

Denvy: sh- shut up!

Nemesis: so are we going now?

Both: hai

7 hours later/time skip

Nemesis/cleve and denvy were back at the port

Nemesis: that's great!

Both: ye- yeah g- great *blushing still*

Belfast: hello sir Nemesis queen Elizabeth called you

Nemesis: oh ok.. let's go!

At Royal garden

Belfast: Elizabeth sama Nemesis is here

Elizabeth: ok take a sit servant!

After Nemesis sit down

And they notice Nemesis has a weird erring

Wales: what's that on your ear Nemesis?

Nemesis: oh this.. this is ear phone.

Warspite: ear... phone?

Nemesis: it's a modern tech ok

Wales: ok.. what it can do?

Nemesis: well its just for music and others

Illustrious: that's amazing

Nemesis: so what's the matter now?

Hood: after the spy's has been rescued.. we need to get ready for battle of-

Nemesis: midway?

Hood: yes it is- wait how did you know?

Nemesis: meh history tells story's

Hood: oh... moving forward

Another time skip

Greenland again

Pov: we see Alex and Angel doin paperwork

Alex: I love paperwork (lie)

Angel: I know that's a lie honey

Alex: aw... I guess you can tell when I'm not here what amagi doin?

Angel: mm well yama and amagi just cuddle like sister's and cuddle there daughter as well

Alex: ok.. that's great so my daughter's miss me too?

Angel: well yes they miss you too hone

Alex: alright.

Angel: so tell me hone how about you impregnated me too I want a baby girl you know!

Alex: mm sure I can do that

Angel: thank you honey

Alex: no problem.... so how's the mars base doin hans?

Hans: well its doing great at it was

Alex: good so how's your daughter with taihou~

Hans: pain in the ass

Alex: oh ok..

At the sakura empire

Dutch: ... ugh I'm bored...

Eugen: so how's the future?

Dutch: well kind of peaceful

Z23(nimi senpai): how good was it?

Dutch: well... its not good there was russia invading ukraine and isreal defending them self to hamas

Eugen: what faction is russia ukraine and isreal

Dutch: oh no it's not faction it's actually nations

Eugen: but nation's was destroyed during the first siren War?

Dutch: uh ha ha ha...

To be continued battle of midway P2

So uh how's is it going reader's and fellow skk good?

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