[KYS] Speak Now

996 16 30

Pairing: childhood friend!Yeosang x fem!reader

AU: hanahaki au

Word Count: 11.6k (oneshot)

Summary: In love with Yeosang since young, you kept your feelings to yourself in fear of ruining your friendship. Like a fool, you suffered alone as the Hanahaki disease slowly consumed you while you watched him propose to his long-time girlfriend. What happens when Yeosang struggles to take his eyes off you on his wedding day and realises that this union might be a mistake?


〚 Hanahaki Disease 〛

— An illness born from unrequited love, where the patient's throat will fill with flowers. They will then throw and cough up the petals, sometimes even a whole flower.

— One of the only ways for the disease to 'disappear' is if the object of the patient's affection returns the feelings. It cannot be resolved with friendship, it has to be genuine feelings of romantic love.

— The infection can also be removed through surgery, though the feelings will disappear along with the petals.

If the patient refuses surgery or the feelings are not returned in time, their lungs will fill up with flowers and eventually suffocate.


Time sure as hell flies even when you're suffering.

Because the next thing you know, it's been years since you were diagnosed with the Hanahaki disease.

Gazing down at the bloody petals staining your palm, you swallowed painfully, determined to wash away the evidence of your illness in the bathroom and not let anyone find out.

Especially not when Yeosang and his girlfriend, Arin, were waiting patiently outside at the cafe for you. With your eyes squeezed shut, you pressed your hands against your temples, once again reminded of the cruel reality that the love of your life did not feel the same way for you.

It all began about a decade ago.

Initially, you and Yeosang were just new neighbours, brought together when your family relocated to Seoul due to your father's job. Later, you discovered that you attended the same school, and Yeosang, ever the kind soul, became your first friend.

You have been inseparable since childhood, sharing secrets, dreams, and countless adventures together.

But as the years passed, your affection for him slowly blossomed into something deeper, something you kept hidden, fearing it would taint your beautiful friendship.

Upon the realisation of your feelings for him, you had been hopeful at first. All the while, you'd think to yourself that he would one day return your feelings and you would eventually end up together. But you couldn't deny the bitter truth any longer when you began coughing up those crimson-tinged petals.

The doctor's grim confirmation, coupled with Yeosang's excited announcement about mustering the courage to ask Arin out, served as clear answers to all the questions that had plagued your mind.

Witnessing his overwhelming happiness when Arin agreed to be his girlfriend, you couldn't bear to shatter that joy for him. Above all else, you'd rather face death than jeopardise your cherished friendship by revealing your feelings or the devastating truth of your disease.

For as long as you can remember, the pain of coughing up these petals has become your painful secret, something you've grown used to enduring in silence by now.

Come on, you can do this.

You made a determined effort to steady your trembling hands as you reapplied your makeup, doing your absolute best to conceal any trace of paleness or sickness on your face.

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