[PSH] One Day at a Time

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Pairing: kindergarten teacher!Seonghwa x fem!reader

AU: single parent au

Word Count: 15.4k (oneshot)

Summary: Seonghwa, a dedicated kindergarten teacher, had sworn off dating to focus on his job, but everything changes when he meets you, the aunt of one of his students. As you navigate the challenges of parenthood together, a deep connection blossoms. What happens when he finds himself falling in love despite his resolve to stay single?


"Dude, you need to get yourself a girlfriend if you love kids this much." Joy quipped with a grin.

She glanced at Seonghwa as they both stood at the kindergarten entrance. She couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him, knowing how dedicated he was to his job. She went on about her blissful relationship with her long-term boyfriend, her eyes shining with love and contentment.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, as he helped one of the kids put on their tiny shoes. His heart was full from a day spent with these precious little ones, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.

"Worry about yourself, Joy," He retorted playfully, "I have the kids here to keep me busy; I don't need to have my own."

The children, sensing it was time to go home, were excitedly rushing off into the waiting arms of their parents. Seonghwa watched them, his own heart warming as he knew he had played a part in their day.

As most of the children had left, he noticed one of the students from his class still seated by the bench near the entrance. Little Eunji, her big brown eyes brimming with anticipation, watched with a pout as her friends left one by one with their parents. Concerned, he crouched down beside her, "Eunji? Are your parents not here yet?"

Just as she was about to respond, her eyes lit up with joy, and a radiant smile spread across her face.

"Eunji-yah, I'm here!"

You called out, your voice filled with warmth, and you appeared at the entrance. The child squealed in delight and darted into your arms, wrapping herself around you. You, on the other hand, looked exhausted as you huffed tiredly, "Sorry, I'm late, sweetheart. I came as fast as I could from work."

The child shook her tiny head, nuzzling even closer to you, clearly relieved to have you there. The teacher watched the touching reunion, his heart swelling with tenderness as he observed the connection between you both.

When you finally stood up properly and turned to Seonghwa to thank him for his hard work, he felt his breath momentarily knocked out of his chest by how breathtaking you looked.

"Oh, you must be Mr. Park, Eunji's class teacher," You said warmly, extending your hand to him, "Listen, thank you so much for always watching after her. I apologise for constantly being late. I promise I'll try to come earlier."

He was at a loss for words, completely captivated by your presence. He stammered, "N-no problem at all, really. It's just my job." He couldn't tear his eyes away from you, and it was only when Eunji tugged at his pants that he snapped out of his trance.

"Thank you, Teacher Hwa! Bye-bye!" The child chimed in, her adorable voice breaking his momentary stupor.

Seonghwa smiled, finally regaining his composure.

"Oh, right! No worries at all. I'm always ready to take care of all the kids. Have a safe trip home, you two!" He waved as you and Eunji walked away, hand in hand.

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