Chapter 1- The Bells Of Stars Hollow

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Florence (Flora) Monet is one of the not so many people living in Stars Hollow. The other villagers there know her as the third Gilmore or as the official town bookworm.

Flora also is quite the sight for sore eyes. She had wavy, long and auburn hair. Whenever she wasn't at the local school studying hard. She was at Luke's reading a book with her headphones on.

Flora moved to Stars Hollow when she was 15. She had ran away from her home in France and somehow ended up in one of the smallest towns in the USA. Her parents came to visit every once in a while, but they weren't very proud of their daughter.

They always found something to despise about her. But as soon as she turned sixteen, her parents agreed to let her have full emancipation. She had enough money to move into a house just outside of Stars Hollow. She didn't have a hard time to make ends meet, since her grandparents sponsored her.

In opposite of her parents her grandparents supported her decision to move out, and she visits them every holiday.

Currently, though, she was once again sitting at the bar at Luke's. Her parents just arrived into town and the only place she could hide from them was in Luke's.

"Flora! Want some coffee?" "No, no, wait." She said with a thick accent, as she checked out the window. Luke looked at her with all curiosity.

"Okay, coast clear. Oui, i would like some coffee." "You're getting it when you tell me what's going on?"

"My parents are in town."

"Ah. Okay, just stay here alright." Luke said in an understanding tone.

"So anything interesting happen in your life?" "Yes, in fact, my sister basically just dumped her son here for me to take care of." "Oh, where is he?" She said looking around.

"Upstairs changing for school." "Does he go to here?" She asked.

"Yes, maybe you can knock some sense into him." The girl looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows as he poured the freshly made coffee into her cup.

"Knock? Sounds a little extreme?" "Oh no, not literally. figurative."

"Oh, yes. Of course." With that a boy walked down the stairs. "Hey, Jess. This is Flora. Flora, this is Jess."

"Bonj- Hello." She said, still used to her french habits. Jess noted her accent and her deep brown eyes that matched his.

"Hello." He said not noticing the smile that grew on his face. "We go to school together?" She said, missing a few words.

"Sure." "Okay," she said looking at the clock and then grabbing her book out of her bag.

"The Da Vinci Code? Very good book, totally historically inaccurate, though."

"Oui, i agree. totally not correct with the time it was placed in." She said. "You aren't reading the english version, are you?"

"No, english is quite a tough language, and i need to keep up with my french, since i need to speak english the whole day."

"So... Do you live here?" "Yes, well just outside of Stars Hollow, but close." The bell above the door ringed as Rory and Lorelai stepped in. They were busy talking, and noticed Jess and Flora. Luke also noticed.

"Lorelai, Rory, this is Jess, my nephew." "Hello, Jess." Lorelai said. But instead of a response Jess just hummed. Flora looked at him confused but ignored it. Jess turned to Flora again.

"Shouldn't we be getting to school?" "Uhm, yes. Bye, Lorelai. Bye, Rory." She said, before walking along with Jess.

"So what class do you have first?" Flora asked Jess. "I thought i'd just follow your lead."

"Okay, then i will be leading you to the front desk to get you a schedule." "Sure." He said following the girl has her long hair flowed after her. The interaction with the lady behind the front desk was brief as she handed Jess his schedule.

Flora looked over his shoulder by standing on her tiptoes. "We barely have any classes apart. That's nice, right?"

"Yeah." He said. the school bell rang through the hall. "Okay, let's go." Flora said, grabbing Jess's hand and dragging him to the classroom. "This is history."

She said. they walked in. The teacher noticed a unfamiliar face.

"You must be Jess Mariano." "I am." He said half dismissing the smile of the man in front of him. Flora went to her usual seat in the back corner of the classroom next to the window. The teacher said something that Flora couldn't hear and then pointed to the seat next to her. Jess rolled his eyes and went over to Flora.

The day was mostly like that. Teachers pointing to the always empty space next to Flora and Jess and her just having fun with the classes. When their last class, maths, ended. Flora waited for Jess to pack his books, which were not for the mentioned class, and then grabbed his hand again. Jess just let himself be dragged right back to Luke's.

Luke smiled as he saw the two enter the diner.

"You have a good day?" "Sure." Jess said very monotone.

Flora just nodded. The bell of the door ringed once again. they all looked to the door, but Flora her eyes widened. Her parents.


Short first chapter to kind of get a taste of this book. I recently noticed that this app does not have enough Jess Mariano Fanfics so if you found this then im proud of you.

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