Chapter 3- Knight In Shining- What Now?

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That morning Jess came down and he didn't see his counterpart.

"Luke? Where is Flora?" "I don't know I haven't seen her." I think I'm gonna swing by her house, see if she overslept or something." "Be on time for school." Luke called after the boy who hurried away. Jess basically ran towards her house. 

He knocked on the door. No response. "Come on, Flora." He knocked again, louder. Nothing. He grabbed the extra key that was put under a strategically placed stone. He unlocked the door and walked to the kitchen.

There lay the girl. Her hair covering her face. Jess moved the hair out of her face, and gasped. the girl her face was covered in cuts and bruises. Jess decided to call Luke, he grabbed the mobile phone on the counter.

"Hello, Luke?" He said noticing how shaky his voice sounded. "Jess? Something wrong?"

"Can you come here, please? It's Flora. She's hurt." Luke hung up and yelled through the diner. "Everybody, get out! Food's on the house!" He told Caesar to close up and stepped in to his car. 

Luke probably broke about thirty traffic laws, but he got to the house very quickly. He burst through the door. Jess looked up with teary eyes, his only friend in town, the only person who doesn't hate him, was in pain and unconscious. "The bastards." Luke muttered under his breath. He carefully lifted the small girl in his arms. He placed her in his car in the backseat and Jess sat next to her. 

The ride was silent and fast. Luke carried her into the hospital and almost ran to the front desk. "Hello. This is Florence Monet. We don't know what happened but she's unconscious. Please help." "Sit down there. A doctor will be with you shortly." Luke held the girl on his lap as they sat down. he grabbed his phone. 

"Jess? Hey? Can you call Lorelai and Rory, please?" "Sorry- Oh- Yeah." The boy stood up looking distraught as he dialled the number. 

"Hello, Lorelai?" "Jess? Hey! What's up?" She said, chirpy as always. "Well- uhm- Flora- Please get to the hospital. She's hurt." "We're on our way." And with that Lorelai hung up. 

"Flora Monet?" The doctor called out. Luke stood up with the limb girl still in his arms. "Come with me." "Jess, wait here for Lorelai, alright." He nodded distantly. Luke was led into a room and out of Jess's sight. He didn't know how much time had passed but he heard the chirpy voice behind him.

"Jess! Oh, how is she? Is it bad?" "I don't know. I think they're running tests right now." Just as the words left his mouth Luke walked in sight.

"She has a concussion and they suspect she fell unconscious and her head hit something, when she wakes up they'll no more."

"Oh god, what even happened?" "Her parents. But, the doctors are saying she should wake up any moment now." 

"Where is she?" Jess asked. "Come here." Luke said. And Luke and Jess walked to the room that Luke just walked out of. Jess walked in first, already missing the girl by his side. The curtains were closed and the lights dimmed. There she was, she had a few stitches, but other than that she actually looked good. Jess grabbed a chair that stood by her bed. He reached for her hand, which was even colder than usual. 

He held her hand tightly, missing the feeling of her doing the same to him. Luke watched with Lorelai in the door opening. 

Suddenly Jess looked up. Lorelai and Luke looked confused at eachother, until they saw the girls eyes open. "Bonjour." Flora said, in a crooky voice. 

"Flora, what happened? Tell us, please?" "We were having a conversation. and... I tripped?" She said, testing if her loved ones would believe her lie.

"No, you didn't." "Okay, fine. we got in to a- how do you say?" "Fight?" "Oui- fight. And it just went a bit wrong." Jess chimed in, "'You hit 'em back?" "No..." 

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