Chapter 5- Left 'em

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Logan put on his nice suit and placed a dress on Flora's bed.

"Flora! We have a Life And Death Brigade thing today. I put your dress on your bed."

"Oh, is it a formal thing?" "Your asking if you need gloves?" He said already understanding her words.

"Oui, i have some with me." "Nope, i bought matching ones with the dress." "Yay!"

Logan left the room so the girl could dress up. After a while, she came downstairs in the prettiest dress.

It was dark forest green, with a forest design on the skirt and flowers on the corset. Over all it was a very detailed dress. The gloves she was wearing had ivy growing from the fingertips up the arms. The gloves came just above her elbows.

"Wow, Paperback." "Does it look okay?" "Obviously, I knew it would be beautiful." "Thank you. Where are Finn and Collin?" "They're dressing up. Finn asked me, to ask you, if you wanted to help him with his tie?" "Why doesn't he just ask me? Of course I'll help him. Speaking about ties, yours is crooked." She said, while fixing his tie. While doing so her gloved hand touched his face.

"You seem cold?" Logan said, as he grabbed her hand into his. "It's just a narcolepsy thing. When i feel cold, i know that it'll be a bad day in terms of my narcolepsy." "If you don't want to go the thing I'll stay home with you."

"No, it's fine. I'll just bring a pillow and stay near you guys, in case i fall or something. My balance also became wack after the whole narcolepsy thing." She said slightly chuckling. Logan smiled at the girl, who was able to joke about her trauma that easily. Finn walked in, yelling at the boy walking right behind him.

"Finn, you are giving me a headache. Stop yelling. What's up?" "The wanker almost choked me with my tie!" He said, pointing at his very undone butterfly tie. Flora walked over and quickly tied his tie and straightened it.

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad, Collin wouldn't dare try to kill you." She said, slightly hesitating at the way to phrase that. "Collin your tie is also crooked." She looked dissapointed while she fixed it.

"When are we leaving?" Flora asked Finn. "In a few minutes. Are you wearing shoes under the upside down cupcake?" Flora rolled her eyes and nodded.

Everyone got the last things ready and they all stepped into the limousine. "Okay, so this is gonna be a small gathering for the inner circle of The Life And Death Brigade." They arrived at a camping site that was all too familiar to the group and they walked towards their other friends.

Flora wasn't really in the mood for social interactions so she just shadowed Finn and Logan as they walked around chitchatting with people. Collin dissapeared to talk to some girl. Logan was mostly talking with other boys that already knew Flora, so she didn't have to be introduced or anything.

Suddenly her phone rang so she stepped away into the woods for a bit. She recognized the number to be Luke's.

"Luke? Everything alright?" "Ah, Flora. So, Jess's father gave the diner a visit and Jess took off right after him. He packed all his stuff. And I do not think he's coming back, Flora." Luke said, knowing it was gonna hurt the girl.

Flora just thought about Logan's words last night. She knew she should've trusted Logan. She actually liked Jess, and now he's gone. "Thanks for telling me, Luke. I appreciate it. Now I've got to go, but it was good talking to you."

She hung up and left a stunned Luke on the other side of the line. She walked back to the tents and went straight to find Logan. As she was searching she could feel herself getting more tired.

Flora couldn't sleep yet. She had to tell Logan he was right. She had to tell Finn that once again she made someone leave her. She had to tell Collin that he couldn't go in the canon, he would get hurt. But before she could the world started spinning and everything around her turned dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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