Chapter 2- Parent Drama's

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The bell of the door ringed once again. they all looked to the door, but Flora her eyes widened. Her parents.


"Florence." "Bonjour, père." 

"How have you been?" the father asked. "Good, et toi?" 

"We didn't come here to be nice, Florence." Her mother said. "Then, why did you come here?" 

"We need you, Florence." "Pardòn?" "Your father has lost his position so we need your money."

"Mother, i need my money. For food. You know, to survive." "Oh, don't be dramatic. you moved out." Jess watched the interaction with furrowed eyebrows, it seemed like his stay in Stars Hollow wouldn't be that boring after all.

 "Not like you gave me a choice." Flora said, not raising her voice. "We were raising you the way we saw fit!" Her mother yelled back. "Please, you do this every  3 months. please just go back to France." Tears rimming her eyes. 

"No, if we would be leaving, you are coming with us! Now!" She said. Luke interrupted. "Do not yell in my diner. you are scaring the other costumers." Flora's mother grabbed Flora's right arm and her father grabbed her other one.

"Let go! Come on!" Jess stepped in between. "Let her go." "And who are you, fouine?"

"I'm friends with Flora." Luke stepped from behind the counter. "Okay, now, you are leaving and if you ever lay a hand on Flora again, I will lay a hand on you, got it?" The duo's eyes widened at the threat and they let go of their daughter and left. Flora took in a deep breath and Jess grabbed her hands. 

Tears were rolling down her cheeks, and Jess checked her bruised wrists. Lorelai entered the diner, but Flora was too distracted to notice. 

"Flora." Lorelai exclaimed. The girl flinched at the sudden noise but relaxed when she saw it was Lorelai. "I walked past them. I'm sorry, honey." She said, placing her hand on the girl's shoulder. 

"It was nothing." She said, wiping her tears and grabbing her book out of her bag again. Lorelai looked at Luke who shook his head.

"Flora, you want some hot cocoa?" "Sure." She said, distantly. Jess looked at the girl, she had put on a straight face and was very focused on her book. However, she did reach out her hand and grabbed his hand in hers. Luke put her drink in front of her, and she let go of Jess his hand to put her cold hands around the warm cup. 

Jess felt himself missing the way her small, cold hands fit into his warm ones. He looked to her as she had the book put out in front of her and only let go of her cup when she had to turn the page. 

After a while of Lorelai and Luke chatting and Jess just staring at Flora, Flora spoke up. 

"I think i should go. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Flora said. She put her book back in her bag and stood up. 

"Wait. I'll walk with you." "Oh, you don't have to." "I want to."

"Okay, let's go, then." She said.

She did a small wave to Lorelai and Luke, who waved back, before closing the door. 

"So, your parents are not very nice." "They weren't always like this, you know. Until i was 10 they were very nice. Then they started hitting me and just insulting me."

"When did you move out?" "When i was 15. i grabbed a bus and i went to take a plane. I had enough money saved to go to America, so i did. My parents hated it, but i had to get out of there." Jess nodded.

It wasn't a long walk to Flora's house. "If you have time you can stay for a while, we can watch a movie or something?" "Sure, that's good." They went inside and put their coats away. Jess noticed how the house had a lot of green tints. Flora grabbed the different movies she had and they sat down on the couch together. 

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