Chapter 4- Boogie Skates

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Jess and Flora once again walked hand in hand through town. But this time Flora was carrying her skates. Flora her narcolepsy had gotten easier to handle and Flora just always kept a pillow around her. 

Taylor had arranged an ice rink on a big land just outside of Stars Hollow. And Flora had a history of figure skating.

Finally Jess and Flora arrived to the rink. It was not very busy, there was a middle aged man skating circles and a father and daughter learning how to skate with a chair.

Flora went to the benches on the side of the ice and Jess went and rented some skates.

Jess could skate but not pro level, Flora could skate and she could skate good.

They put on their skates and immediately went to the ice. They were gonna meet Lorelai and Rory there, but they were quite early.

Flora tried out the ice first while Jess was just skating laps. Flora joined him with the laps.

"Wow. You're fast!" "Oh, please. I'm nothing compared to you." He said as the girl turned on her skate and kept up with him while going backwards. She went to the middle of the ice and tried to do some spins.

Eventually when she got the hang of it she started doing jumps and spins and Jess could see the girl in her element. Eventually the middle aged man and the father and daughter left and it was just them. 

"There used to be this jump-- I practiced a whole year to be able to do it. Watch!" "I'm watching."

she started backwards and sped up still going backwards. She jumped up with one skate and she spinned in the air. and with the velocity of her speed still going she spinned again. And to finish she spinned on the ice on her toepicks. she stood still and bowed gracefully.

"I put on my boogie skates for that one."She joked. From the side of the ice she could hear clapping and she turned around to see one of her oldest friends.

"Finn? Finn!" She skated towards him with a such speed that she could barely stop. Jess had heard about Finn before but he was mostly a mystery. He knew they'd met because of their parents being friends. 

"Florence! Finally I've been trying to get a hold of you forever, partner." Jess went over. "Oh, Finn. This is Jess. Jess. This is Finn."

Jess smiled at the british guy, a very insincere smile, but a smile none the less. 

"Finn, what are you doing in Stars Hollow?" "Well, we- me and Logan and Collin- are having a party this weekend, and we wanted Florida to come." Flora her cheeks reddened at the old nickname. "I guess." She turned to Jess. "Do you want to come? It might be fun." "Sure. For you."

Finn watched the interaction with trickster eyes. "Okay, so I will send you the adres and information. See ya, Florida and partner of Florida." "See ya, Finn." 

Flora said with the biggest smile on her face. "So now you've met Finn. And this weekend you'll meet Logan and Collin. Prepare to hear my worst moments all by the hand of nicknames." She said, chuckling. 

"He seems nice. How long have you known him for?" Jess said, slightly worried about who this guy was exactly. "My entire life. He's one year older than me. Finn has always kind of felt like a big brother to me. But when i moved from my parents we had very minimal contact. We got contact again, but it was still not much. I guess we're picking up the contact again."

"And how about these Logan and Collin? Who are they?" "Well, I met them via Finn. Collin is Finn's best friend and i guess Logan is also a very good friend of mine. Finn and Collin feel more like brothers, Logan feels more like my best friend. I also had tight contact with Logan when i didn't with Finn." 

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