Book of Answers

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  Bella and Jacob stared at the pages of the open book "How to Kill Zanarya", in the chapter "Travel Spells". They skimmed through the page until they found the paragraph they were looking for.

   "To stop the Great Wizard while a travel spell is being used, the victim of the spell must rid themselves of their powers which Zanarya seeks. Without the powers of the victim, Zanarya's magic alone is weak, and he can easily be overpowered by stronger magic or brute strength."

   Bella folded her arms and looked at Jacob, her eyebrows furrowed. "I think the book is saying I need to get rid of the source of my power, which is also the source of Zanarya's power." Jacob nodded,
"Right, but how would we even do that? Your vampire powers come from your blood, and it's not like I would ever let you die... not after what happened to my mom." He gave a sad look, his eyes focused on the floor. "I can't let him keep hurting people, Hella. You have no idea what it feels like to lose your mom..."

  Bella immediately got flashbacks to her own mother, Renay. The day she almost was killed by James the tracker, he used her mother as bait to get her alone. It worked, of course; she would have given anything to keep her mom alive. Her mom now lives comfortably in Florida with her stepdad. She instantly felt grateful, Jacob was right. "You're right, Jacob. I don't know what it's like." she looked into his eyes as he started tearing up. He gave a slight smile to to her and wiped a tear from his face. Bella smiled back as she spoke, "Jacob, we're gonna take him down, once and for all."

  The pair still felt lost, how could Bella get rid of her vampire powers without dying? "My powers... are in my undead blood, maybe if I could be brought back to life, back to being a human. But, I just don't know of thats possible. Unless there's a way I can somehow remove all of the blood from my body..." suddenly an idea hit her, and she lit up, hitting her hands together. "Jacob, I have an idea."

  Jacob was stunned as he carefully listened to her idea. "Jacob... I need you to remove the blood from my body. Sink your wolf teeth into my flesh, and let me bleed out." He stuttered as he protested, "Are you crazy?! You'll die like that! Or, even worse... you could become... like me." Her eyes shot open and her jaw dropped. "I could become... a werewolf? How is that even possible?"

  Jacob proceeded to explain. "Well, you become a vampire by being injected by a vampire's venom, right?" Bella nodded. "...well, us wolves have something similar. A way of creating more wolves. It was developed in medieval times by my great, great, great, great grandfather, when our species was near extinct. Back then, it was used to turn humans into werewolves, so they could join our pack and help repopulate. But, I just don't know what it would do to a vampire like yourself."

  Bella had a determined look in her eyes. "Well, we have to try! This is all my fault for taking that stupid deal." She began to cry, and Jacob felt bad. "Why did you do it, Bella? If you don't mind me asking." He tried to be polite. Bella looked at him, tears in her eyes. "It was because my husband—future husband, rather— accidentally killed our infant son in a fit of rage. Edward had always had anger issues but... that was inexcusable. After the death of my son, the pain was too much to bare. Even now, there's a hole in my heart like a bagel."

  Jacob snarled, "He WHAT!!?!?!! Edward... Don't tell me... EDWARD CULLEN?" Bella nodded, and Jacob clenched his fists. "When I get ahold of him, his ass is grass! What kind of man kills his own son? I swear, some people have to manage their anger issues." Nella watched as Jacob started to throw things around and yell in a fit of rage, ripping books apart and knocking shelves over.
  "Jacob, stop!" a voice called from the entrance of the room. Jacob and Bella stopped in their tracks as they looked towards the door. Their jaws dropped as they saw who it was...



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