XX.No harm Jean (32639M.Y.)

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and as she exhaled she opened her eyes she was standing in the with Mia and the necromanceress she waved at Mia

Jean: Mia?

but Mia didn't seem to notice her

???: Oh dear she can't see you

Jean quickly turned around her eyes landed on a woman, her light skin with completely black eyes dark hair and silver tiara and sword in her hand

Jean: Who are you?

Woman: Let's go

the woman turned around did a step but Jean didn't move

Woman: Don't make me force you

Jean created a magic orb the woman laughed and turned around so Jean quickly turned her orb on the woman but her orb just turned to smoke

Woman: Oh darling there is nothing you're magic can do to me

Jean stood there in disbelief as the woman turned around

Woman: Come on

Jean slowly followed the woman out of the basement when they got out on street the woman looked at Jean and said

Woman: Madame Madhnes

Jean: What?

Madhnes: Nothing

Jean: Ok i'm...

Madhnes: I know who and what are you

Jean: What? I'm?

Madhnes: Yes and you are starting to remember that to

Jean: Whatever i'm not here for...

Madhnes: I know you're here for Emperor Trom

Jean: Yeah so where is he

Madhnes: In his palace

Jean: Isn't that across...

Madhnes: Entire Avia yes it is

Jean: So how are we going to get there

Madhnes: Teleport

she grabbed Jean by her hand and in blink they were standing in front of ginormous palace his towers were reaching high in the greyish sky it looked dark but not empty Madhnes walked toward the big gate and it opened itself for her

Madhnes: Follow me Jade

Jean: It's...

Madhnes: What?

Jean: Nothing

they enter the castle there in huge room are some maids, knights some other creatures and people

Madhnes: Bvem is going to show you your place Jade

she pointed on some man standing in front of them

Bvem: Follow me miss

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