one - letter

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From The Start

From The Start Laufey

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DATE : July 8th

Dear Gojo,

I am crushing on you, very hard. I've liked you for such a long time, but I don't have the courage to talk to you personally. I cant really believe I had the confidence to actually give you letter, and put it in your shoe locker.

I'm not creepy I swear, a lot of girls talk loudly about which shoe locker you have. I didn't want to be invading your privacy in your desk either, but I suppose I'm invading your privacy by putting this in your shoe locker.

I bet (and hope) you really throw out this letter because I'm embarrassed about saying all this stuff.

I hope you like these sweet candies I have you, I know you like sweets


Satoru stood right in front of his shoe locker, holding onto the note he just read. Suguru and shoko looked over his shoulders, reading the note as well.

"Wow, another one." Shoko remarked continuing to slip her shoes back on. "Sometimes I wonder how we became friends with the Gojo Satoru." Suguru commented, waiting for the two to put their shoes on.

Satoru raised a brow, he flipped the paper around as if he was looking for something. "This is weird, there's only secret admirer on here." He said, he wasn't use to having a different name on there. "Usually, girls write their entire name on here. This one is just 'secret admirer'?"

Shoko sighed, "It's cause you've never had a shy admirer like this. You should do what they say, throw it away." She said casually, as she waited for him to put his shoes on.

Satoru groaned he did want to throw it away, as he never really cared for secret admirer notes. He was curious on who it was, normally girls would write their name, giving their selves away completely.

"Come on, let's get going." Suguru told him, Satoru grumbled as he shoved the letter and candies in his pockets. Putting on his shoes, they started to walk off the school's grounds.

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Satoru laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He was chewing on the candies his secret admirer gave him, they were pretty sweet.

"I wonder who it is.." Satoru muttered, he couldn't get that note off his mind.

'The candy they gave me is good, I wonder if they'll still give me some.'

He sighed as he pulled his phone out, beginning to text his group chat with shoko and Suguru.

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