Chapter 4

901 32 1

Friday, October 5

"So, this is where you live?"

"Yeah, with my friend, Mikey," I say sitting down on the couch. Jaxon looks around a bit then sits down next to me.

"Are you sure you and that Mikey guy aren't together?"

"Yeah, we aren't together. I just can't afford my rent anymore."

"I'm telling you. Dan Dollar is way better than Peters."

"Well, I'm not going to quit my job to come work for him," I say. I would love to come see what all the hype is about but I wouldn't leave Mikey just for money. I can't do that to him and I like to think he thinks the same way.

"Why not?" he whines. "I can hook you both up."

I can see that he's not joking and that he would seriously do that for us both but i'd have to talk to Mikey first. He'd certainly be upset if I took a job offer for him.

"I'll think about it," I sigh.

His lower lip pokes out and he fold his arms. "Not good enough," he mumbles.

"I-" Before I can finish the door is opened and Mikey walks in. He looks at both of us clearly confused.

He cloes the door and walks towards us sitting on the couch. "I didn't know I was having company," Mikey murmurs looking directly at me. He doesn't look angry, he just seems curious.

"I'm sorry," I say with a cringe.

"It's fine," Mikey mumbles. "Want to go out for dinner?"

I look over at Jaxon and he shrugs. I really want to tell him to leave but I don't want to be rude. "Sure, um, Jaxon..."

"Oh, I'll just get out of your hair. Miley is it?"

"It's Mikey," Mikey says and I can tell he's becoming very annoyed.

Jaxon smirks at him and stands up. I wonder why he's trying to annoy Mikey. He's starting to annoy me. "Right, I'll leave and let you iron your suits."

"Jaxon," I warn. That only makes his smirk grow as he walks towards the door.

"See you, shorty," he says and leaves the apartment.

"I hate him," Mikey states as soon as the door closes. I notice his fists clenched by his sides.

"Please don't hate him. He can be nice," I beg standing up to follow Mikey as he walks into the kitchen.

"He just seems so... cocky."

I move closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist. He tries to pull me off so I tighten my grip. Annoyed Mikey is the worst Mikey.

"Cheer up. You have a small black girl hugging you," I mutter. I let go and look up at him.

He flashes me a fake smile and gets out ingredients from the fridge to make a sandwich. "My friend got in okay. If you were wondering."

"I wasn't," I say. He glares at me playfully. I decide to take this opportunity to tell him about the job offer and Dan Dollars' office.

"Want a sandwich?"

"No, thanks," I mumble looking down at my hands.

"You okay?"

"Um, how do you feel about Dan Dollar?"

He frowns. "Dan Dollar? Well, he's a total loser. And his name isn't Dan Dollar. There's no way. His car parts are probably sold for a better price but he's a douche."

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