BC57: Capital Gains (Raven's team & Co.)--3

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While the three in the Capital were thus engaged, the others had to deal with the immediate repercussions of the fight.

Team CRDL hadn't left Argus yet. They had to go through the base to even fly out.

Yang and Neptune were there to train while they were being kept in wait for their next assignment, and they passed them by and got some frigid looks.

"Maybe we should try to patch things up," Neptune suggested quietly.

"Why? They decided they wanted to be enemies, not us," Yang scowled.

"What about loving your enemies?" Neptune said. "Don't return evil for evil, insult for insult. Not an eye for an eye, all that? How are they different from Cinder, Em, or Merc?"

"Experience," Yang said.

Neptune just gave her a firm look.

Since he usually didn't really put his foot down, Yang was inclined to take it seriously when he did.

"Egh, if I have to," she rolled her eyes.

"That's my girl," Neptune said weakly, not sure she'd see the humor.

He just got a sullen look in response.

They walked over to where team CRDL was in the loading dock waiting.

"Do you think that flyer guy is the one who'll be driving? Because I want to transfer then," Dove griped.

Cardin had a cold patch on his eye. "I'm just glad to get out of here, though I'm sure Goodwitch will have plenty to say about this. Old bag."

"Oh, that's just not--" Yang turned to walk away and Neptune stopped her.

"Oh look, it's team washout," Russ suddenly spotted them. "Perfect."

"Hey, listen, a---h---, we came over here to--" Yang began hotly.

"Uh Yang," Neptune hissed. "Nice."

She folded her arms. "Well, go on," she nodded at him.

"We just came over to over to bury the hatchet," Neptune said, though it wasn't so easy for him either.

Cardin had tried to hit Yang after all.

"Oh, isn't that cute?" Sky Lark said. "A nice gesture after the stunt you pulled with our lockers."

"What are you talking about?" Neptune asked. "I don't know anything about lockers."

"So you and your new friends didn't spray paint threats on our storage lockers?" Russ said skeptically.

"What?" Yang said with real confusion.

"We took a picture," Dove held up his scroll. "We're going to send it to Glynda and post it online."

"You rat, how do you have the nerve?" Yang demanded.

"Those are some real... intense expletives," Neptune said. "And is that picture what I think it is?"

"Yep," Sky Lark said. "Points for creativity. It was all there when we went to collect our other luggage this morning. Along with this." He pulled out a note.

The note said, in a hurried scrawl in red ink: "This is for the $%*# who put Sustrai in the hospital."

"It wasn't the hospital, she just got checked out," Neptune corrected.

"Oh great, well no one told them," Russ said.

"Who would do this? No one at this base has ever acted this way before," Yang wondered.

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