BC121: Deliverance Day (Heroes)-8

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[Opener: "Fools"--Lauren Aquilina]

While the dancing was going on, Esmeralda was being a wallflower, but she was watching with almost a hungry look.

"Hey." Royal slid up to her. "How are you enjoying the party?"

"I think it's delightful," Esmeralda said. "They all look so happy...and comfortable with each other."

She watched a lot of the couples. "It's so different."

"It is," Royal said. He cleared his throat. "Where...ahem, where did Cinder go?"

"She lingered behind." Esmeralda glanced around. "I thought she'd come in by now."

She looked at Royal more closely. "Is Cinder a special person to you, Mr. Zapato?"

"If you're not going to let me call you Miss Paris, you can't call me mister," Royal said. "Just Royal is fine...and...uh, I guess even you can tell, huh?"

"The others have said things," Esmeralda said. "But somehow, I think I notice a change in her when you're around."

"A good change?" Royal said hopefully.

"She seems nervous," Esmeralda said. "But I am not very used to knowing about these things. She's nothing like the women in the tribe when they...but that's a good thing."

"I'd say so." Royal hid a gagging face, not wanting to hurt her feelings. "I guess you've taken a shine to Cinder, though. I hear you've hung out a bit."

"She's been very kind to me," Esmeralda said. "She's even going to let me live with her for while--oh!" She gasped. "I'm sorry...I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that yet."

She cringed. "She's going to be furious."

Royal recovered from his amazement at what she'd said in time to say, "I won't tell anyone else."

"I feel bad...but it just slipped out without me remembering it was a secret..." Esmeralda put her hand over her mouth.

"Not to worry, I'm sure as long as it doesn't get around to everyone, she'll understand it was an accident," Royal said.

Knowing Cinder, she'd still be mad, but he hoped she'd know better than to take it out on Esmeralda.

"I still feel I shouldn't have been so careless," Esmeralda said.

"Hey, you're excited to tell everyone how nice she is--that's a good thing," Royal said. "At least it wasn't you trying to make her look bad. That's the worst kind of gossip. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. I wonder why she'd keep that a secret anyway... I know--it's because she's embarrassed that she's doing something kind."

"Isn't she often embarrassed about that?" Esmeralda said. "Unless I'm mistaking something else for that. I don't know why she'd be ashamed unless she thinks it's weak."

"That might be it... You've said the tribe didn't look too well on kindness. Let's just say the people Cinder grew up around didn't either. She's still working on not being ashamed of her better instincts," Royal said. "But I really find it adorable, so I'll almost be sorry when she stops feeling that way. But happy for her in another way. She should feel free to do that."

"I agree," Esmeralda said. "You seem to understand her fairly well... Is that why she's special?"

"It's hard to explain." Royal rubbed his head. "Sometimes people just are, you know? Or maybe you don't, but you will, someday."

"I hope so," Esmeralda said. "I think you would be a good person for her. You're brave."

"Oh, well...geez, now I'm going to be embarrassed," Royal said, awkwardly. "I'm used to being complimented by girls, but I know you're sincere. That makes it a little harder to joke about."

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