BC114: Deliverance Day (Heroes)-1

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After that discussion, everyone was so tired, most of them went home or just turned in there at the house.

Yet it was hard to sleep deeply after such a day.

Cinder found herself awake again after her body had had its basic need of sleep satisfied enough to not force her to keep slumbering. This was around 6 a.m. in the morning, and even in later fall, it was light at that time in Argus.

Many of the others hadn't wanted to walk home, so there were several people in the living area or spare rooms.

Royal hadn't gone home. She saw him in the living room.

Shaking her head to herself, she went out the back door to the small patio. The sun was coming over the yard walls.

Shine was out there already, to her surprise, with her books and notebook and coffee, of course.

"Oh, hello," she said. "Good morning... I didn't think anyone would join me out here."

"I can't seem to sleep anymore," Cinder said. "Aren't you more tired after all that cooking?"

"I'm too used to it now," Shine said. "I live in a house full of people. I'm adapted. They don't drain me so much now. But it's nice to have a little quiet out here."

"Then I'll leave you." Cinder figured Shine had it first.

"No need. One person isn't so bad, and I was out here for a bit already. Maybe I woke you up getting the coffee. Sorry about that. Anyway, Grace might wake up soon."

Cinder sat in one of the other lawn chairs, hugging the blanket she'd grabbed, since it was chilly out here. "How is that...? Being a parent now and a DJ?"

Shine was a little surprised Cinder would ask something like that, but she answered smoothly. "It's hard at times. But worth it. I wouldn't trade it for anything else. Mostly spending my time teaching and taking care of the students now, though. Not world traveling... Wally and I think it may be a while before we have a really intense mission again. A grace period, ha ha... Anyway we might have more kids."

"More?" Cinder was surprised. "With all you're doing already?"

"But it was easier having so much help, really. We all share the responsibilities...and I like having one; I want to double that blessing. Both of us love kids, you know."

"Maybe a little too much if you want to add that much work."

"No, Cinder, it's only natural," Shine shrugged. "Especially when you're with the right man. I would be more worried otherwise, but he's going to be a great dad, I can tell. And we have so many friends who would step up if we did need it, I'm not so afraid. You're lucky you have that much security... I've never had as much luck making friends in my own world, you know. I think the people there are too different from me. I never fit into their mold. But when I world travel, I find oddballs, and we understand each other. It's been nice to have that."

She sipped her coffee. "But you don't really want to talk about me."

"I didn't really want to talk about anything, just to think."

"I see... Well, if you do want to talk, I'm here." Shine turned a page. "But I'll let you think if you wish. I can do either by now. You'll find I'm not as dead set on always shoving my input in as I used to be. I'm learning not to exhaust myself. Haven't I grown a lot since that first mission with Wally and all of you?"

"You're still talking now."

"I was going to stop." Shine did stop.

But actually that was worse.

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