Chapter Four: Benjamin

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"She gave me the number to Pizza Hut!" Jeremy shouts, causing everyone in the weight room to burst with laughter. I set my dumbells on the floor on either side of me and watch as Jeremy's cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Karma, man," I tell him, and he glares at me. 

    "KaRmA, mAn," he mocks. He turns his phone off and chunks it into his gym bag. I take a swig of water and then go back to my sets. "Maybe you should actually work out, and girls would like you," I offer, but Jeremy just rolls his eyes. He usually never works out when we're supposed to, but he never lacks during practice; I guess it works out then. 

    "Why would I do that? This is all natural, baby," he brags, waving his hands down his body. I roll my eyes as I finish my sets. 

. . .

    "I still can't believe she gave me a fake number," Jeremy complains cor the millionth time. "Chill out, dude. It's not that big of a deal," I tell him, but it doesn't seem to calm him at all. "She's probably some rich, privileged princess!" Jeremy says as we walk up the stairs from the athletic hall. The volleyball girls walk past us, but Jeremy's too focused on this new girl to notice them. They, surprisingly, stop walking and glare at Jeremy. I give them an awkward apologetic smile and continue walking.

    "C'mon, you don't know her situation. She could simply not be interested. Why do you care so much anyway?" I ask him, and his entire attitude seems to multiply by three hundred. "Look. The girls I usually hit on know I'm going to hit on them, and we play a little game then go behind the bleachers after school and-" he stops talking because I'm looking at him with surprise but not nearly shock. 

    He clears his throat and says, "Anyway. Girls only reject me in public, but I'm actually very popular with the ladies." I laugh and roll my eyes. "Really?" I say, dragging the sound out sarcastically. "Yes! I'm serious!" He says defensively. 

    "Okay,  bud," I tell him. We walk into the foyer, and the new girl...what was her name? Helena? Yeah, Helena is standing with another girl. They look like complete opposites next to each other. Helena is wearing l a ng-sleeve, blue dress that has a skirt that reaches her ankles,  d black wedges. She has a cropped, black, button-up sweater on, and her hair is down, flowing down the length of her back in a mix of loose and tight curls. 

    "There's that little privileged princess," Jeremy says, disgust marking his voice clearly. He starts walking over to Helena immediately after her friend leaves. I walk slowly, trailing a little far behind him. Helena turns to him, annoyance showing in every part of her body. 

   Everything happens so quickly. Before I know it, Jeremy has Helena pinned against the lockers behind her, shouting and cussing at her. "You think you can do anything you want, don't you?! You some little rich girl from out of town, aren't you?!" He shouts. I run over to them, pulling my backpack off and throwing it on the floor. I'm about three feet away from them when Jeremy smacks the girl across the face. 

    I grip Jeremy's shoulder and throw him practically on the opposite side of us. I turn to Helena, looking her over. She's got a red mark from Jeremy's hand, her eyes are fighting not to spill the tears making pools in them, but otherwise she', she  relatively okay. Before I can say anything she , ays, "Better control your friend before his ego takes over the planet." She pushes past me, but tops before she's too far away. She turns back to me and says, "Thanks," still desperately fighting not to cry. 

   She starts walking but speeds up and practically jogs to the girl's bathroom. Her friend rushes over the  bathroom when she sees Helena run in. The girl turns to me and then glances down at Jeremy, still on the floor with his hand on his head. She glares at the both of us and then rushes into the bathroom. 

   "Are you insane?!" I scream at him as he gets up from the floor. The people around us continue to stand still as I scold Jeremy. "I don't care what it takes, I'm making Coach bench you for the rest of the season. Maybe go check yourself into a mental asylum!" I scream, then walk quickly to class. 

    I walk up to Mrs. Voong immediately and tell her, "Please excuse Helena of she's late or doesn't show to class today." Jeremy walks into class, and I glare at him. I lean over Mra. Voong's desk and whisper, "Jeremy thought it would be a good idea to go insane and hit Helena, half-scaring her to death, because she rejected him." Mrs. Voong looks at Jeremy, then back at me. "Thank you for telling me. I'll contact the principal, and Helena will be excused, of course. Have a seat, Anderson." She says, and I follow her instruction. 

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