Chapter Ten: Benjamin

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When I asked Helena on a date the other night, I wasn't expecting her to say yes. I wouldn't have said yes to me either! She's right, we don't know each other, and honestly, I have no clue what came over me. It was like I was possessed by Cupid or something!

I didn't know what I was doing or saying; all I could think about was how her blue eyes shined in the moonlight and how all I wanted to do was get to know her better than she knows herself. I don't even know why, though! I've never been this crazy over a girl before.

Helena has this...light around her. And that light has now caused me to be in black jeans that are probably a little too tight and a navy blue button-up that completely shows off way too many arm muscles. I look like I'm trying too hard, but Mom insisted I wear something nice for a first date.

I pull up to her extremely large house, which honestly doesn't seem to fit her and park my truck on the curb. I get out with a red rose, my idea not my Mom's, behind my back and walk the stoned path to her front door. I ring the doorbell, and Helena almost immediately opens the door. I'm stunned for a moment.

She's wearing a maroon dress that fits around her torso perfectly and softly cones around her waist and down. She has black heels on, and her makeup is stunning. Her curly blonde hair is pinned back by a clip, and she has her arms behind her back, practically showing off her outfit.

"Uhm..." is all I can manage to say, causing her to blush and laugh at the ground. I fake a cough and sanity returns to me. I pull the rose from behind my back and hold it out to her. "M-m'lady," I stumble over my words. Helena looks up and smiles at the rose. "Thank you!" She says and runs back into the house to, I assume, put the rose in a vase or something.

When she returns I hold out my bent arm and say, "Shall we?" Mom instructed me on proper manners and language at least an hour before I was even thinking about getting ready. Helena smiles again, causing her face to light up brightly, and she weaves her arm through mine. I lead her to my truck, and she climbs into the passenger seat somehow elegantly.

I trot over to the driver's seat and begin to find my way out of the large neighborhood. "Where are we going?" She asks, turning to me from the window. I smile and say, "I told you, it's a surprise!" She folds her arms in front of her chest and looks at me with suspicion. "Is this the part where I find out you're actually a serial killer posing as a high school student, and now you're taking me to my inevitable death whilst you also manage to look effortlessly hand–" she stops talking for a second, and I look at her with an eyebrow raised. Her cheeks flush, and she looks away. "Effortlessly what?" I tease with a smirk. She looks back out the window, most definitely trying to avoid looking me in the eyes. "Nothing. Effortlessly nothing," she says, her voice slightly shaky.

I laugh as we drive onto the road. After a few minutes, and she's ready to look at me again, Helena says, "Seriously, where are we going?" I flip on my turn signal as we drive onto a dirt road. "I told you; it's a surprise!" I tell her once again, glancing between her and the road ahead of me. Helena rolls her eyes, only showing off her eyelashes instead of repulsing me. I laugh at her reaction.

The rest of the drive is spent in silence except for Helena occasionally pointing out a deer or how beautiful the flowers on trees and bushes around us are. I turn again and up onto a mountain and start trekking up the rough terrain. I don't even know how I of this, honestly. It just seemed to come to me and everything fell into place. Helena looks around us and then at me, and I think she's starting to figure out what my plan is.

She smiles brightly as we round the top of the short mountain. I look out at the city for a second to find that it's exactly as I expected it to be: glorious. I back up my truck that way the bed is facing the outlook of the city and trot over to the passenger side to help Helena out.

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