Chapter Fifteen: Helena

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He leans in and I can't think. He hesitates for a second, and my eyes are practically screaming for him to do literally anything. I can't think, and before I know it, he's pulling me closer and my heart is racing and my eyes are squeezed so tight colors are swirling my black vision. The warmth of his partially chapped lips inhaling me fills my soul with so much joy and a feeling I can't quite comprehend, I think I might explode.

Ben pushes me against the railing beside us, my back arching against the cold metal. My thoughts are swirling in my head like a twister from Kansas. He pulls away, breathing heavily, eyes searching mine.

Crap. That was stupid. He hates me. I'm going to cry. He's not saying anything. Oh, why won't he say anything?! One of his hands is cupping the back of my neck, his other on my lower back.

"Did I do something wrong, my love," he says, and I'm overcome with butterflies swarming my stomach at the sound of his favorite nickname for me. "N-no. That's just uhm..." I don't want to admit this, but it's like he's pulling everything out of me, "the first time I've been kissed," I mumble, looking away.

My cheeks flush pink, and certainly not from the cold. Ben doesn't say anything, so I break away from his hold and go towards the door. The entire apartment lot has emptied. My hand hovers above the door handle for exactly one second before Ben pulls me back by my other hand, smirks, and says, "Then let me be the owner of your first, and second kiss."

I almost collapse at the knees, but thankfully I grip the door handle, swallow, and swing the door open. "Nope!" I shout as I walk into the much warmer hallway of the apartment complex. "Helena! What do you mean 'Nope'? Helena?" Ben shouts after me, but I ignore him and keep walking briskly down the hall to my apartment. He's too perfect. I'm probably hallucinating this whole situation because nothing, nothing like this ever happens to me! I'm always the new girl that doesn't stay in one place for more than a year and no one really talks to me, and now I've had my first kiss and he's asking for more because why? Because he's interested in me? Nuh-uh. Nope. That's impossible guys never look at me, forget thinking about being more than friends with me.

My phone is buzzing uncontrollably in my dress pocket. I can't stand the feeling anymore, so I pull my phone out to check the messages.



Stop overthinking.


Come back outside, please. There's a security

guard only letting residents in.


Helena, please, my love?

I'm about to respond as I open the door to my apartment, utterly surprised to find it unlocked. I look up from my phone and into the barely-lit apartment. I see Mom and Dad yelling at each other in the kitchen. I walk slowly and quietly inside, shutting the door in the same manner behind me.

"Veronica, you're being ridiculous! All I've ever wanted to do was give you what you want!" Dad screams at Mom. She sighs, turns away, and spins back to face him. "All I want is for you to be home more, Frank! I want you to take care of your children! I'm exhausted, Frank. I can't keep doing this. You treat me like your father treated your mother in nineteen-fifty! I'm not some sluty housewife constantly able to bend at your will!" Mom yells back at him. Dad runs his hand along the cheap counter beside him, catching onto a plate and gripping it as if for his life. "Are you calling my mother a 'slutty housewife'?!" Dad says so quietly it's terrifying. Mom seems taken aback. I lurk up behind a wall to watch their conversation...or, in all reality, rage-filled argument.

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