Park? II

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Sometimes not knowing something is the best thing, people say so , and from my experience, not knowing something and especially not knowing the reason behind that something could have made me a happier and better person. It was unfortunate that i sought too much. For someone, who heard the screams, saw the dead and hallucinated, I should have stopped. I did try therapy, psychologists and every other meds I could find to help myself come out of what happened to me in the park .

It's been five years years since and I moved in the next six months of the incident from my homeland, I thought that if and I think the the chances of that is a 99.9% ,that,  IF someone, the one responsible for the park knew that a person had survived the 'park' they would come for them, for 'ME', so I moved, changed names and contact details.

I have not had any scary or weird encounters with anyone or any place since then, although I have remained in contact with some people from home, I never really told them about the change of name for safety reasons. They have tried their best, they say, to find the 'gone' and the owner of the park, but nothing on their side. Well most people who knew me well and saw the incident and my friend, left the land, it's sad, but i don't blame them, better safe than sorry I guess.

With all said, nothing could have prepared me for this...........,

I have gotten used to the city, i know the normal rules of city life, strangers and eyes everywhere and stuff and i really follow these rules. Regardless, on December the 15th, on my way back home on foot, walking through the snowy pavements, I got a call from an unknown number. A voice cheerfully said, " it's been a while since a breeze that is warm has caught you! the last time a park was brought to this town, we enjoyed a special treat, we shall be back and this time with more  exciting things, things that will definitely take your breath, don't forget from the 19th-21st!!". The person...or thing on the other side was computerized and i almost fainted as i heard that and old memories quickly rushed in. I immediately made a call to my closest relatives and asked them if they got any message and the answer was, "yes dear, we did, everyone who ever lived in the mountains have received a call or message, how did they call you though, with a changed number and everything?, am glad that most of us moved out, i have heard though that there are new people there since pay and job opportunities have spiked, anyways we shall talk later, bye dear, got alot at hand", and with out me uttering a word the call was off. I was stunned at that conversation, it was expected of her as she was one of the chilled natured who did not care but yet I was stunned at how relaxed she was, This matter was not that of a joke, maybe it was to her, anyways, we were all out of it and safe where we were.

I spent the night thinking and pondering about how people are probably gonna die again. I wasn't sure what I thought was it, but I knew that if it was, the ones who would go would never return. Most people who knew had moved and by that i mean all that knew had, they would never go back there or enter a bizarre place like that. I heard that they(the people who knew) gave an excuse of better options of earnings outside and what not, many of us thought that if they spoke about the truth, none would believe it or accept us.

The next morning, even though i did not want to, i tried to call the head of the town, or any number to the town, but no response came in, i felt a rush of guilt fill my stomach and the feeling of responsibility to protect these people who were being made a fool. I planned and decided that I am going to go back to save these people, to ask them to leave and never return. I really did become the one stupid person from those horror movies, the person who, instead of saving their ass, are right back, face first into the problem.

I booked a train ticket for the evening hoping to reach my town before 18th , just a day before.... you know..... the opening. On the station I enquired for the bus that would lead to the town on the mountains, there was only one connecting today and then one two days later. "Lucky me '' I thought with a sigh. The bus was to leave around 3:00 am, tomorrow at 10:00 am, 18th, i would be there. There still a couple of hours to three so i sat there and tried to read a book to divert my mind, while i was at it a man approached me, he was kind off old, probably in his sixties, had a white black...greyish beard, wore a pretty comfortable looking jacket, pants and boots, he had a brown cheetah spotted muffler and ear covers, with a nice black monkey cap  and black gloves. "Hey!, I believe you're headed to the town up the mountains ?" , "yes" i replied hesitantly, "hmmm, my son lives there, he just moved there seven months ago, six thousand dollars per week, it took for him to leave his dad in another city, but, am happy for him, he has grown up" he laughed, he didn't look sad or upset, rather happy and quite proud, "good for him sir, visiting?", i asked, "yeah dear, a park thing is going to happen and my son has already bought the tickets, ahhh my son, he has gotten so happy since he has started to provide for his family, not only does he insist on paying my bills, he sends gifts each month, he says its pretty cheap to live there, he is so happy with his one year old daughter and his high school sweetheart wife". As he spoke these words, my heart started to sink. I could not bear to hear this, The old man would not believe me if I told him what was actually there, i had to find an excuse, so that they wouldn't go.

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