A Two Story

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Robert had arranged a beautiful escape plan for us to have a break, a small vacation up north to a forest called the Sundown Forest. Excitement had gotten the best of me, many people had visited that forest and loved it, or at least the reviews said so. We had packed it all, Everything we would and could need. Robert chose the location and I loved the plan. We have been together for about a year and we've been engaged for two months and I was really looking forward to this since this was our big vacation before the wedding and all.

Robert had gone out with the car to refuel and get some necessary performance checks before we got on the road. I was ready and waiting, "Honk!, come on babe its already late we need to move ", it was Robert at the gate, the bags were already in the car, we had put them in the night before and i only had my bag with me so there was no delay, I got in and the journey began.

"You know Rob, you forgot to tell me the name of the hotel we are staying in", "Don't worry hon you'll see when we get there, it will be a real experience". Rob was secretive at times, and all those times turned out to be amazing for me so, I trusted him. I realized that I fell asleep only after I woke up to the car stopping in the middle of nowhere. "You were really knocked out there hon, well i hope you slept well, i really need you to be awake for this''...."We are in the middle of nowhere Rob, what do you mean?", i was confused but knew that it will be okay, even though this was weird. "Hon I know this looks weird but trust me on this, You see up ahead there is the car park, we shall park the car there, wear our bags and climb up this trail to the forest, this will be the most fun way to reach our destination". There was a small trail heading up hill and with a confused mind I followed Rob's lead. We climbed for about 45 minutes and reached an inn. There were several huts and I think they all were either booked or occupied.

"Hello Robby!", said a voice interrupting my thoughts. "Hi! Eliot!" said Robert cheerfully, "Meet my fiancé, Mary.. oh, sorry Mary, this is Eliot my cousin", "Hi..." I muttered with surprise. "Hi Mary! nice to meet you finally, i got a job here recently and was catching up with Robby over here last month and he told me you guys were planning a trip so i helped him out , and... do not worry i won't interfere at all" and with that he led us to our hut.

The huts were nice, they were a real experience, it felt like we had ventured back in time, it looked really nice, it had jute rugs and wooden beds but not with mattresses, they had jute woven tightly on them, it was really different. "Ummm, hon i hope you're not mad at me cuz of Eliot?" asked Rob with an almost silent voice, i realized i had not spoken to rob the whole time Eliot came and dropped us off. "No, i'm not, just kind of surprised, and got really lost in these really.... earthy furniture, and its alright, it was nice to meet someone new, he did say he won't interfere at all", i explained with a slight laugh. Robert let out a relieved sigh at that.

We were supposed to look at the sky late at night since, tonight was the full moon and uphill the stars would be way clear, also something about being in the middle of the forest and the stars shining brighter . So around 11:30, we left to go into the forest.

Cut to the friend group:

"Yooooooo! You guys Listen up! 30 Km from here is a forest uphill lets venture there", "what do the reviews say Mat?, do you think it will give us what we're looking for?", "Ummm, I am searching on the dark web for this Claire, on the white one... you know what i mean, its just a vacation spot, but these are the woods we can capture something here, anyways, what do you think Rayan? Shall we go?", "Yeah sure, i guess we could ask the locals on the way here, we might get something from them.... I'll just update the Vlog while we're at this"

It's Mat, Claire and I, Your trio. We have shot in several places around here in this location before and were actually here to shoot at a villa, which we're done with, but... you know as usual we caught nothing there. We have traveled far you know and need to have something to put on the table for our viewers, we do need them...' You' to survive in this business. We have just gotten on the road and are about to interview some locals so that we know that where we are going could be promising. I'll be updating this vlog live time so you guys, our readers can be in it real time with us. We have hit the road and are reaching a local village here close to the forest uphill, Mat is going to question them, "Hello there, we want to know about the forest that's uphill, we want to go there for a vacation of sorts'', "You can go there son...... wait, it's the full moon tonight, you should go there tomorrow when the full moon isn't in the sky", "Why?" interrupted Claire, "You kids will call me a superstitious fool or even crazy, every full moon we hear screams from the forest screams that are blood chilling, i haven't been up there but the older local chief has, he went with his assistant, the assistant died and the chief was injured badly, he can't walk now you see", "But there is a vacation spot, I think it's a inn or a hotel called down to earth up there", asked Mat. "I don't know what they do or how they invite their guests, not many people come here anyways, i have told you all i know, it's up to you now" the Lady explained.

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