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"There's a really good cafe near by the university."

"Do you want to go there after the classes ?"Asked Yoongi with a shy smile on his face.

And Jimin tried his best to not chuckle aloud at his adorable behaviour.


"I'd love to."

Only they were there on the cafeteria table waiting for the others arrive.

Yoongi was wearing a leather jacket over the sweater instead of the coat with the university's logo.

And Jimin always wondered how he never got in the trouble for it. But the younger wasn't about to question it.

Just then Jin sat down beside him and placed his plate on the table with a thumph.

Yoongi looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What happened ?"

But the elder just huffed and shook his head.

"Nothing." He replied and turned to them.

"What were you guys talking about ?"

And Jimin shrugged with a grin.


"What's with you, though ?"

"Who got you so riled up ?"

Jin rolled his eyes.

"Don't ask."

"You are going to tell us later anyway."

"So,just spill the beans now."

"It doesn't matter."Replied Yoongi sarcastically.

And the elder glared at him for a moment before sitting up back properly seemingly to talk.

"You guys won't believe."He started.

But Yoongi was already interrupting him.

"Tell first then we decide for ourselves."

Jin ignored him.

"You know the last class I take before lunch, right ?"

And Jimin nodded already interested in the story.

"So, my usual seatmate was absent and it just so turns out to be the day to choose partner for a project."

"I mostly pair with him."

"And before I could figure it out everyone else in the class was done choosing partners."

"I was left."He whined.

"Then the professor himself paired me with this tall guy that always sits at the back."

"No worries there."

"I didn't mind it."

"I was actually okay with it."

"But guess what ?"

"The class gets over and I decided to stay back you know just to introduce myself and talk about the assignment but that little shit literally walked past me to the professor."

"And asked him to change his partner in front of me."

"I mean if that wasn't insulting enough."

"He was almost about to beg, you know."

"I was so confused."

"I mean what's wrong with me ?"

"Why doesn't he want to be my partner ?"Questioned Jin and huffed in anger.

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