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Jin sighed and placed his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Why is it so difficult to get that guy's attention ?"

"I never had to do so much for it."

The younger smiled at him.

"It's okay, hyung."

"You'll get through him someday."

Yoongi snickered as he joined them on the table.

"Just let him be and maybe he'll approach you himself."

"At this point you have tried everything."

"Give it a break."

And Jin whined.

"That's the problem."

"I can't."

"I tried but I can't bring myself to stop."

"Maybe I should try something else."

"Something different."

And Jimin hummed in agreement.

"There's no problem in trying."

"Who knows."

"Namjoon-ssi might actually start talking to you."

Jin nodded with a smile.

"You are right."

"I'll look for someway."


It was the weekend and Jimin could not  believe himself as he let Jin rope him into joining the others and him in the gym.

Only Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi were there for an actual workout.

He and Jin were just passing time by playing around and annoying others when his eyes fell on something which made him frown.

"Do you like boxing ?"The trainer asked Taehyung as they stood in front of the punching bag.

The prince's fiancé just smiled sheepishly without replying and the trainer chuckled.

"Do you want me teach you some moves ?"

But before the other could say something the trainer was already moving forward to bring gloves.

He also helped him in wearing them and pulled Taehyung in the front.

Jimin tilted his head to the side and then  turned around to look for Jungkook only to see that the other was also looking at them.

But he simply turned his eyes away to focus on his own workout which was a little suprising to Jimin.

The prince is known to be protective of his fiancé but he did not do anything when someone else was clearly trying to flirt with him.

"Like this ?"The trainer stepped closer to the younger.

Taehyung tried to follow the movement similarly but the trainer was already on his next move and walked more close.


"Don't be so tense."

"Relax a bit."

And as this continued Jimin's eyes moved continuously from the prince to his fiancé.

However Jungkook did not look a bit bothered and just did his set.

It was indeed a bit strange for the prince to not be bothered as someone stood that close to his fiancé but he didn't even seem little bit affected.


Contrary to his belief Jin and Hoseok did not let him go home after the visit to the gym and that's how he found himself in another party.

All the hyungs were going crazy on the dance floor and the only difference was that Yoongi was being force to stay with them as they ignored his complains.

Jimin and Taehyung were talking to their classmates with a bottle of beer in their hand each.

Jungkook as always was surrounded by a flock of people and most of them were interested in him as usual.

Though the prince just remained polite to all of them despite all their efforts.

It was during that time a pretty popular girl from their department walked upto the Jungkook with clear intentions.

Jimin could tell she was all out to get the prince and as he stared at them with narrow eyes.

But Taehyung had no reaction.

He had also seen the scene in front of him and had just laughed and smiled with his friends.

Jimin frowned.

It was weird.

The younger didn't care that somebody else was flirting with his fiancé which made him think all about all his previous conclusions.

Could it really be love ? He thought and his doubts were made more and more solid as the party continued and the engaged couple not only kept their distance but Taehyung did not seem any bothered that Jungkook was talking and smiling with someone that was clearly trying to get in their relationship.

The younger just kept to himself with his friends surrounding him.

Weird.Thought Jimin.

He titled his head to the side.

It doesn't look like love.

Maybe they care about each other but as friends.

More chances of arrange ?


Hey I hope you guys liked it 💙

Also what is your conclusion ?

Thankyou so much for reading 💙💙✨

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